Today’s Sunday Service – 17 May 2020

ICS Online Service
ICS 线上聚会

Join our online service as we prepare the following online agenda so that you will still be able to connect with ICS during this period. ICS continues to minister to fellow Christians and Church members through our Praise and Worship, studying the Word of God via online sermons (both audio and video), questions and answers, and also prayer requests.

欢迎参加 ICS 线上聚会。我们致力于提供以下的聚会流程,协助你在这段期间连结ICS ,让我们与你同行。ICS会持续地透过线上主日信息(音频、影音)。包括赞美敬拜,读经,问题讨论,代祷,来服事基督肢体和教会家人们。

Today’s Sunday Service

Speaker: Pastor Daniel Ho
From the Closet to the Board Room (Part 1) – Listening to God
Main Scripture: 
Matthew 6:6

讲题:从内室进到会议室 (第一部分) – 聆听上帝的声音
章节:马太福音 6:6

Today’s Announcements

• Please note that all ICS cell group spotlights and meetings will resume upon further notice.
• 请注意,所有小组聚会以及小組聚光燈将等候当地政府进一步通知后方可恢复正常运作。

• Please note that Anchor youth will meet with Sarah (Youth Director) via Zoom, Sunday evenings at 8pm until church services resume gathering. If they would like to receive the link because they are not in the youth or parent WeChat groups, kindly email to before Sunday.
• 请注意,青少年将于每周日晚上8点与我们的青少年总监 Sarah 在 Zoom会议线上聚会, 直到聚会恢复正常。若他们还未曾加入青少年的微信群组,请在周日前发送邮件至

• Marketplace Committee will conduct an Online Zoom Session on Transformed Working Life Session 3. Don’t miss it! Details and registration click here.
• 职场委员会安排了更新的职场生命 – 第三部分(TWL)的 Zoom 线上会议。不要错过!详细信息和注册请点击这里

• TEC Employment Platform | A call-out to Job seekers and potential employers to connect with us by clicking the following links:
Job Interest Form
Job Posting Form

• TEC LEARN | A Cooking Expedition
Learn how to whip up iconic dishes from around the world! Cooking ingredients will be delivered
Learn more by clicking here.

*International Church of Shanghai (ICS) is one of the Ambassador Centers of The Expatriate Center (TEC) ICS是外籍人士中心 (TEC) 的大使中心之一*

Giving 奉献

For any queries, please refer to our Finance Manager, Peifen Zhu at

ICS thank you for your Giving.

Audio Link:


Everlasting God
CCLI Song #4556538
© 2005 Thankyou Music

Verse 1

Strength will rise
As we wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord

等候耶和华 齐来等候耶和华


Our God You reign forever
Our Hope our strong Deliverer

我主 祢永远掌权
救主 我们的盼望


You are the everlasting God
The everlasting God
You do not faint
You won’t grow weary
You’re the defender of the weak
You comfort those in need
You lift us up on wings like eagles

祢是昔在今在的神 昔在今在的神
祢未曾疲乏 永不歇息
祢是软弱者的依靠 安慰困苦的人

Verse 2

I will rise
As we wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord
We will wait upon the Lord

等候耶和华 齐来等候耶和华


我知道我的救赎者活着 (I Know My Redeemer Lives)
© Stream of Praise Music

Verse 1

wo zhi dao wo di jiu shu zhe huo zhe
ta shi yong huo di zhu
dang wo zai shen gu mi shi shi
ta ling wo zou zheng yi lu

For I know Jesus lives forever more
My Savior and my King
When I’m lost in the deep valley
He leads me back to His way

Verse 2

wo zhi dao wo di jiu shu zhe huo zhe
ta shi yong huo di zhu
dang wo zai kuang ye gu du shi
ta ban wo zuo wo di deng

For I know Jesus lives forever more
My Savior and my King
When I’m alone in wilderness
His light shines upon my path


wo zhi dao wo di jiu shu zhe yong yuan huo zhe
wo xin bu zai you lv
wo yao zai mei yi ge ri ye zhong
ling shou ta di feng sheng zhi ai
wo zho dao wo di jiu shu zhe yong yuan huo zhe
wo ling bu zai chen shui
dang hao jiao xiang qi di na yi tian
wo jiang jian ta rong guang zhi mian

For I know my Redeemer lives forever
My heart will not forget
He fills my every day and night with abundance of His life
For I know my Redeemer lives forever
My heart will never fear
And on that day when the trumpet sounds
With my eyes I will see His face


何等恩典 (How Could It Be)
CCLI Song #5482539
© 2009 Stream of Praise Music Ministries

Verse 1

以真诚的心 降服在祢面前
yi zhen cheng di xin xiang fu zai ni mian qian
开我心眼 使我看见
kai wo xin yan shi wo kan jian
以感恩的心 领受生命活水
yi gan en di xin ling shou sheng ming huo shui
cong ni er lai di wen rou qian bei

With a truthful heart Lord I come before Thee
Open my eyes so I can see
With a grateful heart Lord I come to receive
Your Spirit of humbleness and grace


何等恩典 祢竟然在乎我
he deng en dian ni jing ran zai hu wo
何等恩典 祢宝血为我流
he deng en dian ni bao xie wei wo liu
何等恩典 祢以尊贵荣耀为我冠冕
he deng en dian ni yi zun gui rong yao wei wo guan mian
wo di zui bi chong man zan mei

How could it be that You would care for me
How could it be Your blood was shed for me
How could it be You’ve crowned me with Your grace and glory
O my soul sing praises to the King


ni yi nuo qu wo suo you jia suo
ni yi nuo qu wo suo you zhong dan
ni yi nuo qu wo suo you shang bei
ni di ming pei de suo you song zan

You have removed my bondage my chains
You have removed my burdens and shame
You have removed my sorrows and pain
O my soul sing praises to Your Name


Your Presence is Heaven
CCLI Song #6214751
© 2012 Integrity Worship Music, Integrity’s Praise Music, Sound of the New Breed

Verse 1

Who is like You Lord in all the earth
Matchless love and beauty endless worth
For nothing in this world will satisfy
Jesus You’re the cup that won’t run dry


Verse 2

Treasure of my heart and of my soul
In my weakness You are merciful
Redeemer of my past and present wrong
Holder of my future days to come



Your presence is heaven to me
Your presence is heaven to me


Verse 3

All my days on earth I will await
The moment that I see You face to face
For nothing in this world will satisfy
Jesus You’re the cup that won’t run dry



Oh Jesus oh Jesus
Your presence is heaven to me

喔耶稣 喔耶稣


© Bob Fitts, Healing to the Nations Music


I rest in Your love
My strength comes from You alone
Your grace is more than enough
A fountain for my thirsty soul

祢的恩典超过我所需 浇灌我干渴的灵


You are everything that I need
My all-sufficient King
I rest, I rest in Your love

我全能的君王 我在祢爱中得安息


International Church of Shanghai
CCLI Copyright License #390109

Chinese Sermon 中文证道

Chinese Sermon Audio and Video Link (access and/or download here)
For the password, please click here.

Video Youtube Link (for viewers outside Mainland China)



1. 什么是深思的祷告?解释你如何能有意地来亲近与上帝的同在,以及多凝听上帝,而不是一直向上帝祈求我们想要的。
(马太福音6:6; 路加福音5:16; 雅各书4:8)


2. 在我们的生活中,要收听到圣灵的引导有哪些障碍?通过参照人脑,思想和内心/灵里是如何处理信息来讨论有什么方法可以帮助你收听到上帝的声音或圣灵的启示.
(约翰福音10:27; 列王纪下3:15; 诗篇46:10)


3. 讨论你如何能在聆听上帝的不同阶段中实践和操练,包括放松和静默,意识到神的同在,顺服,接纳,悔改和赦免,领受,赞美和感谢以及代祷的阶段。
(加拉太书2:20; 哥林多后书10:3-5; 约翰一书1:9; 耶利米书29:13; 罗马书8:27)

English Sermon 英文证道

Video Link:


Video Youtube Link (for viewers outside Mainland China)
English Sermon Page Link (download available here)

Audio Link:


CG Discussion Questions:

1. What is a contemplative prayer? Explain how you can intentionally draw near to the presence of God and to listen more rather than just asking God what you want.
(Matthew 6:6; Luke 5:16; James 4:8)


2. What are the hindrances for tuning in to the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives? Discuss what can help you to tune in to the one voice of God or the prompting of the Holy Spirit by refering to how human brain, mind and heart/spirit process information.
(John 10:27; 2 King 3:15; Psalms 46:10)


3. Discuss how you can put into practice with the different phases of listing to God, including relaxation & silence, awareness of God’s presence, surrender, acceptance, repentance & forgiveness, receiving, praise & thanksgiving, and intercession.
(Galatians 2:20; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; 1 John 1:9; Jeremiah 29:13; Romans 8:27)

Weekly Prayer Points


1. May the Church be blessed by the online worship and sermon, that they shall receive grace and experience unity through Holy Spirit. Pray for the restoration of worship culture to be the center of each family, continue to pray for Church to resume soon so that we can congregate as one to worship our Lord.


2. Pray for the church, that ICS will have breakthrough during this difficult time with the guidance of God. Along with the church mission, may the Lord give greater wisdom and strengthen Pastor Daniel and the ICS staff.


3. We continue to ask the Lord to guide ICS Kids Church, Anchor Youth, and Cell Groups online meetings. By connecting online, may His Word and Grace speak into their spiritual life and they can have a transformed life.


4. Pray for our pastors, board members, ministry leaders, cell group leaders, church staffs as well as their families. We ask the Lord to protect and strengthen their body, soul and spirit with His grace. May their work in the marketplace be filled with God’s abundant grace, as they commit to His kingdom, the church of God.


5. Pray for God to lead all the ongoing and upcoming activities administered by TEC. We pray for His promises to be fulfilled in the works they’ve done, may His wisdom rest upon each of the TEC staff, and their work shall channel His Gospel.


6. We ask the Lord to give strength to help our brothers and sisters in Christ, help them build a strong prayer life. As they are faced with any circumstances, they shall persevere and start consecrating their life with prayer and faith. Pray for them to have a firm foundation and a heart of obedience.


7. Pray for the development of the pandemic, we ask the Lord to help the affected countries to stop the spread of the virus, pray for the restoration of the world economy, businesses, public transportation be back to normalcy, as well as families to be reunited. May the Lord protect the safety of the medical teams, for continuous wisdom and strength upon the government and related personnel. Pray that all the believers and churches will come before the Lord and pray earnestly as one, to declare that the name of the Lord Jesus triumphed over all dark power.


8. Pray that God will guide us in building up new churches in the nations He leads us to according to the word God has given ICS.
求神按着祂给 ICS 的话语带领我们去到各国为祂建立教会。


9. Pray for In Christ Singapore, Pastor Sandra Westerdahl, board members, church staff, volunteers and their family members. Pray that God will draw new visitors and former ICS members back to worship and serve Him.
请为新加坡分会,Sandra Westerdahl 牧师,董事会成员,志愿者以及其家庭成员代祷。求神吸引新成员和过去 ICS 的成员加入敬拜和事奉的行列。

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想了解ICS更多详情,欢迎您浏览ICS官网。若您有任何疑问,欢迎您发邮件到 查询。