240413 – I Am Safe in the Will of God 在上帝的旨意里 我是安全的

John 10:27 (NKJV) My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

The life of Jesus is a life of consecration. Every step of Jesus’ ministry was about submitting to the will of the Father even though it was challenging and agonising for Him, especially in the Garden of Gethsemane. 

For us Christians, living a consecrated life is a choice. When we learn to walk in His will by surrendering ourselves to Him, we find ourselves living life with joy, satisfaction of the soul, and contentment of the spirit.

We are a people blessed to be living in the New Testament times where we are born again. We can pray to the Heavenly Father in Jesus’ name, we have the Spirit of God living in us, and we have the Word of God to lead and guide us.

How does God speak to us and what are the safeguards that are in place for us?You should present to God the decision that you need to make without any preconceived ideas or answers. Instead, lay down your rights to God. Pray and ask God to speak to you primarily through His Word (safeguard 1). You can take time to pray the same prayer for days or even up to a month for a major decision. Commit the plan and strategy to God, and ask Him if it is His will for your life. Ask God for a book, a chapter, and a verse regarding the decision. His Rhema Word will help you to anchor your faith especially when you face challenges later on after you have decided to proceed. After your petition has been uttered, take time to listen and be sensitive to the leading and witness of the Holy Spirit (safeguard 2). There will be promptings in our spirit of either a warning that comes in the form of uneasiness or lack of peace regarding the decision, or peace that accompanies the Word of assurance given from Scripture by the Lord to proceed.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV) Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

After your prayers, it would be wise to seek godly counsel and share with them your plans and what you think God is leading you to do (safeguard 3).

Proverbs 15:22 (NKJV) Without counsel, plans go awry, but in the multitude of counsellors they are established.

Finally, open your hearts and lay down your rights to God. Be humble and have the courage to accept the answer, may it be a yes or a no.If God has said to go ahead, take the step of faith (safeguard 4).

Proverbs 16:9 (NKJV) A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.

Sermon Series: Unless Your Presence Goes with Us

在上帝的旨意里 我是安全的

约翰福音 1027  我的羊听见我的声音,我也认识他们,他们也跟着我。




上帝如何对我们说话?祂为我们制定了哪些保障措施?你应该在没有任何先入为主的想法或答案的情况下,向上帝陈述你需要做出的决定。把我们的权利放手交给上帝。祷告并祈求上帝首先藉着圣经对你说话(保障措施1)。你可以花时间为一个重大决定祈祷几天甚至一个月。把计划和策略交托给上帝,求问祂这是否是祂对你生命的旨意。就你的决定或计划向上帝祈求一卷书、一段经文或一篇章节。在你作出决定放手去做却遭遇挑战时,这些经文将会给予你有益的帮助,祂的话语将帮助你将信心锚定在祂的 Rhema 话语中。在你的祈求表达完之后,花点时间倾听并保持敏锐于圣灵的引导和见证。(保障措施2)。在我们的灵里会有见证,无论是以不安的形式出现的警告,还是作出决定后没有平安,或者心中拥有伴随上帝所赐的关于确据的经文而来的平安。

箴言 3:5-6你 要 专 心 仰 赖 耶 和 华 , 不 可 倚 靠 自 己 的 聪 明 ,在 你 一 切 所 行 的 事 上 都 要 认 定 他 , 他 必 指 引 你 的 路。

在你祷告之后,明智的做法是寻求敬虔的人的建议,并与他们分享你的计划以及你认为上帝正在带领你的事情。(保障措施 3)。

箴言15:22 不先商议、所谋无效。谋士众多、所谋乃成。


箴言16: 9 人心筹算自己的道路,惟耶和华指引他的脚步。


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