231231 – Be a Peacemaker Rather Than a Talebearer 做使人和睦的,而不是搬弄是非的人

Galatians 5:15-16(NKJV) But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another! I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

We have been taught to love our neighbors as ourselves. There will be personality conflicts regardless whether it is in the home, church or office. It is important how we react in order to maintain the peace or be a peacemaker during times of conflict and contention.

As a believer, we should know that God has established positions and placed people in positions of authority above us. God is also a God of order and not of chaos. There will be contentions and strife when we have differences in the office. There are some contentions that can be resolved through proper communication while some of the office politics are inevitable due to the fallen nature of humans. As Christians, we should be known as peacemakers rather than talebearers or people who initiate strife and division.

All of us will have different ways of working and leadership skills. Sometimes, team members will react to a new leader when his/her leadership or working style is different because people are generally resistant to change. We are required to submit to authority even if we are not happy or we disagree with our superiors, as long as there are no immoral or unethical decisions involved. Submission is only required if we disagree. No submission is required if we agree in the direction or strategy. It is foolish to strive with our bosses because they are responsible for us. It is equally foolish to cross the line of authority by making decisions contrary to what is being instructed. Sometimes, we get into trouble or reap what we have sown when we disregard our boss’ instruction and do something else based on what we think is right (even if we are right!). There will be no peace in our lives or in the office if we create strife at work. Submission to authority will bring peace because of obedience and that’s how God wants us to operate. Choosing to submit is being a peacemaker! Be known as a peacemaker rather than a troublemaker!

The work environment is complex because we have contrasting personalities, people of diverse backgrounds, distinctive world views, different cultures and values. To make matters worse, everyone is fighting to climb the corporate ladder at the expense of one another. It can be a very vicious and unforgiving environment. The chances of being devoured and destroyed by one another is very high. We cannot control how others behave or conduct themselves but we are able to react based on what we value. When we are completely secure in Jesus Christ and have our identity firmly established in Christ, then we will not be adversely affected by remarks and politics in the company. We will lose our peace and joy when we allow ourselves to participate in the company politics, strife and division. We should rather strive to work peaceably with all men and women, concentrate on our work and perform to the best of our abilities instead of spending time being offended. 

Sermon Series: Peacemaker







讲章系列: 使人和睦的人