231230 – Advocating for Peace in the Body of Christ 在基督的身体里倡导和平

1 Corinthians 3:1-3 And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual people but as to carnal, as to babes in Christ. I fed you with milk and not with solid food; for until now you were not able to receive it, and even now you are still not able; for you are still carnal. For where there are envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not carnal and behaving like mere men?

There was strife and division in the church of Corinth because people were taking sides between Paul and Apollo. There was disunity in the camp, the people were striving and division broke out. The Apostle Paul had to rebuke them to stop the strife and division because Christ’s body cannot be divided. He called them carnal, ruled by the flesh! He called them spiritual babies.

“Mere men” refers to natural men who have not been born again and still have the sin nature dominating their lives. Therefore, the people who are yet to be saved will be dominated by envy, strife and division because sin is self-centered. There is no peace when strife and division exists in a church. We are called to be peacemakers especially when we are spiritually matured!

The Apostle Paul is saying that carnality should not exist among Christians especially in the church! It is the work of the flesh and the instigation of the devil when there are envy, strife and divisions. Therefore, we need to watch out and do not allow any of these signs to happen. When there is strife and division means that there is chaos and lack of peace in the situation. Sometimes people tend to be talebearers, murmur and complain about the church rather than taking time to pray for the pastor in charge and the entire church. Nobody wins except the devil in such situations because it is he who comes to steal, kill and destroy!

Be a peacemaker! Be a person who unites the body of Christ and prevents it from losing its testimonies to the people in the world. This is the reason why ICS chooses to focus on the cross, outreach and missions rather than the possible differences amongst us. We should always continue to cultivate a culture of being a peacemaker in the church. We should also continue to be a strong advocate for peace in relationships that personifies the kind of character that God has. 

Sermon Series: Peacemaker


哥林多前书3:1-3 弟兄们,我从前对你们说话,不能把你们当作属灵的,只得把你们当作属肉体,在基督里为婴孩的。 2我是用奶喂你们,没有用饭喂你们。那时你们不能吃,就是如今还是不能。 3你们仍是属肉体的,因为在你们中间有嫉妒、纷争,这岂不是属乎肉体、照着世人的样子行吗?

在哥林多教会一些会众在保罗和亚波罗之间选边站,因而出现了冲突与分裂。 当一个团队中不和谐时,人们介入纷争, 于是就产生了分裂。 使徒保罗不得不斥责他们, 制止冲突和分裂, 因为基督的肢体不能分裂。 他称他们为属肉体的,被肉体所辖制!他称他们为属灵婴孩。

“世人”所指的是尚未重生属血气的人, 仍然活在罪本性的权柄之下。 由于罪是以自我为中心的, 因此尚未得救者被嫉妒, 纷争与分裂所辖制。 当一个教会出现纷争和分裂时, 就没有和睦。 而我们本应被称为” 使人和睦的人”特别是当我们在灵里成熟的时候。

使徒保罗这段经文的意思是属肉体欲望在基督徒里, 特别是教会里, 应无一席之地。 嫉妒, 纷争与分裂的出现是肉体的作为以及撒旦的煽动。 因此,我们要警醒并防微杜渐。出现纷争与分裂意味着混乱和平安的缺失。 有时,大家有喜欢八卦的倾向,不但没有为牧师及整个教会祷告反而埋怨和发牢骚。 这样的状况除了来偷窃,杀害,毁坏的撒旦之外,没有赢家!

做一个使人和睦的人! 让我们在基督的身体里合一, 不要使之失去为万国万民的见证。 这正是为什么ICS选择聚焦于十架, 外展和宣教, 而不去关注我们之间可能有的差异。 我们应当继续在教会里打造和睦的文化。 我们也应当继续成为和平的坚定倡导者, 因为这正是神品格的体现。
