240418 – How To Read God’s Word

Do the following whenever you read the Bible: 

ASK– God to connect with you in this moment. In prayer, start by slowing down and inviting God to help you understand what this passage means for your life. Clear your mind of all distractions and simply focus on what God wants to accomplish in this moment. 

READ– the selected section of Scripture slowly. First, read the whole passage while taking notes of the words and phrases that stick out to you. Next, read it a second time, pausing at the parts that stick out to you. 

REFLECT– on what grabs you. What connections do you see at this point in your life? How might God be speaking to you through these words? Imagine you’re living in the time of Jesus. What would be your reaction to this passage? What does it mean for you today?

RESPOND– to the Scripture. Speak directly to God about what’s on your mind and heart. Look for ways to live out what resonated with you, individually and with your group. 

RESEARCH— the background of the passage. If you have some time, read the notes in a helpful study Bible that will illuminate cultural context, original language references, and theological background.