230121 – Meditate on It Day and Night 昼夜不住地默想

Joshua 1:8 (NKJV) This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

In simple terms, meditation is digesting the Word of God and His promises by repeatedly thinking them over, whereas worrying is thinking of the negative reports or things which may or may not happen. Worrying opens us up to fear and causes us to lose hope whereas meditation on God’s Word and His promises creates hope, faith, peace, and joy. In the above passage, God is instructing us to think of the Bible’s teaching throughout the day, because there is a strengthening and building up in our “inner man” whenever we meditate on God’s Word. We are to think in a biblical way whenever we are overcome by worries especially during this period of pandemic management.

If you are concerned about your job security, this is an example of how you can meditate: Unless the Lord builds the house, we will labour in vain. It is foolish to rise early and sleep late because He gives His beloved sleep. I am His beloved in Christ. I have chosen to consecrate my life to God and walk in His will for me. He has promised me good success, and I will enjoy the abundant life with holistic prosperity. God will never leave nor forsake me but be with me in good and bad times. Because He is the God of all flesh, nothing is too difficult for Him. He has a good plan for my life drawn up in heaven, and His will in heaven will be done on earth for me. Jeremiah 29:11 says that He has thoughts of peace for me and not of evil, a good future and an expected end for me, and Matthew 7:11 says that since we love our children and have good plans for them, how much more does God have a good plan and intent for me? The Holy Spirit is my teacher, comforter, and helper and He will lead and guide me as I seek the face of the Lord. I choose to anchor my faith in the Word of God because Hebrews 11:1 says that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Therefore, I am not moved by what I see, feel and experience but I am anchored in His Word which gives substance to my faith.

Meditation is one of the keys to maintaining our emotional and mental well-being as a believer especially during this period of pandemic management and recovery from COVID-19. It is a process that we will need to patiently work through and hold onto God tightly.

Sermon Series: Work on Your Well-Being (Part 2) 


约书亚记 1:8这律法书不可离开你的口,总要昼夜思想,好使你谨守遵行这书上所写的一切话。如此,你的道路就可以亨通,凡事顺利。

简单来说,默想是通过反复思考来消化上帝的话语和祂的应许,而忧虑是思考可能会也可能不会发生的负面报道或事情。 忧虑让我们感到恐惧,使我们失去希望,而默想上帝的话语和祂的应许则会产生出希望、信心、平安和喜乐。 在上面的经文中,上帝指示我们整天思考圣经的教导,因为每当我们默想上帝的话语时,我们“内在的人”就会得到强化和造就。 每当我们被忧虑所攻克时,我们都要以圣经的方式思考,尤其是在疫情封控管理期间。

如果你担心失去工作,你可以借鉴如下的默想:若不是耶和华建造房屋,建造的人就枉然劳力。早起晚睡是愚蠢的,因为神赐祂所爱的人睡眠。我是祂在基督里所爱的。我已选择将我的生命奉献给神,并行在祂赐给我的旨意中。祂应许我凡事会顺利,我将享受全然兴盛的丰盛生命。神永远不会离开我,也不会丢弃我,无论顺境或逆境祂都与我同在。因为祂是一切有血气之物的神,在祂没有难成的事。祂在天上为我的人生制定了美好的计划,祂在天上的旨意将在地上为我成就。耶利米29:11 说。祂向我所怀的意念是赐平安的意念,不是降灾祸的意念。祂要叫我末后有好的指望,马太福音7:11祂是丰盛的神,我们因爱我们的孩子,为他们制定美好的计划,何况神岂不有美好的计划和意图给我吗。圣灵是我的导师、安慰者和帮助者,当我寻求主的面时,祂会带领和引导我。我选择将信心锚定在神赐的话语上,因为希伯来书 11:1 说信心是所望之事的实底,是未见之事的确据。因此,我不会被我的所见、所感和所经历动摇,而是锚定在祂的话语中,这使我的信心有了实底。

