Posts from 2024 (Page 3)

240507 – John 13

What would you do if it was your last week on Earth?  Most people would probably eat a bunch of pizza, travel to a couple bucket-list locations, and spend time with their family and friends. Jesus chose to wash the disciples’ feet. It’s important to look at this chapter as a whole. Towards the end,…

240506 – John 12

We tend to be very careful with valuable things. You drive carefully in a new car, you put a case on your phone, and you don’t leave stacks of money laying out on your desk at school. We all understand that valuable possessions require protection; that’s why safes exist.  In John 12, Jesus is at…

240503 – John 11

Culture told me it isn’t manly to cry.  That’s silly. It’s profoundly human to find yourself in tears. Not only is it a normal human response to suffering, it’s a Christ-like response to your pain. The shortest verse in scripture is one of the most powerful. John 11:35 simply says, “Jesus wept.” In this passage,…