1121 – Intercessory Prayers

Ezekiel 22: 30 (NKJV) So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.

A general example of how to intercede for people might be:

Dear Heavenly Father, I praise You for the privilege of entering your presence as we intercede for ___ (name). I invite the Holy Spirit to lead and reveal to us how to target the prayer for___I ask You to infuse grace into their hearts to sustain them as they go through this situation. Psalm 34:19 says “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the Lord delivers him out of them all”. We claim this promise for.…that you’ll deliver them from their affliction. I pray that You’ll build a hedge around them and send people to help them. I pray for favour with men as they have favour with you. I also pray for Your wisdom—which You promised us in James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”—to rest upon on them. I also stand on your promise in Isaiah 54:17 that “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me,”. Therefore, I believe that You’ll shield them from all the accusations and weapons thrown at them…

Another example of how to intercede for family members to receive Christ might be:

Dear Heavenly Father, I give you praise and thanksgiving that Jesus came to seek and save the lost ___ (name) have not called on the name of Jesus. I pray for their hearts to be receptive to the Gospel and the veil over their hearts to be lifted so that they’ll be able to understand the Gospel. I stand on the promise in Roman 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek”. I pray for the Holy Spirit to do a deep work in their hearts to convict them of sin, righteousness and judgment. I am praying on their behalf for their salvation because You promised in Acts 16:31 “So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.” I’d like to claim the salvation of…… Grant me the boldness to share the Gospel with them. Help me to articulate it clearly and may the Holy Spirit work with me on this opportunity. Father, I give you praise and thanks that You don’t want anyone to perish but all to come to the saving knowledge of Christ…

After we have prayed in the understanding by quoting Scriptures, we should also pray in the Spirit and listen to what else the Holy Spirit leads you to pray in the understanding.

Sermon Series: I Have You Covered


以西结书 22:30 我在他们中间寻找一人重修墙垣,在我面前为这国站在破口防堵,使我不灭绝这国,却找不着一个。


亲爱的天父,我赞美你,使我们有幸进入你的同在,我们要为___ (名字)代求。我邀请圣灵带领并启示我们如何为某人祷告。我请求你将恩典注入他们的心,在他们经历目前的处境时给予他们支持。诗篇 34:19 说:“义人的苦难多有,惟耶和华救他脱离这一切”。我们为___宣告这一应许,您必将使他们脱离苦难,求祢在他们周围筑起篱笆,派人去帮助他们。我祈求他们得到人的恩待,正如他们蒙祢的恩待一样。我也祈求祢的智慧临到他们,祢在雅各书 1:5 中应许给我们“如果你们中间有人缺乏智慧,应当求那厚赐与众人,也不斥责人的神,主就必赐给他。”我也坚信祢在以赛亚书 54:17 中的应许:“为攻击你而制造的武器,都必不亨通;在审判中兴起攻击你的一切舌头,你都必定他的罪。这是耶和华仆人的产业,他们的义是从我而来的。”。因此,我相信祢必保护他们免遭投向他们的所有指控和武器的伤害…


亲爱的天父,我赞美感谢祢差派耶稣来寻找和拯救迷失的___(名字),尚未呼求耶稣的名。我祈求他们的心能够接受福音,揭开蒙在他们心上的幔子,使他们能够理解福音。我坚持罗马书 1:16 中的应许:“因为我不以基督的福音为耻,这福音本是上帝的大能,要救一切相信的人,先是犹太人,后是希腊人”。我祈求圣灵在他们的心中做一个深刻的工作,使他们知道罪、公义和审判。我代表他们为他们的救恩祷告,因为你在使徒行传 16 章 31 节中应许说:“所以他们说,‘当信主耶稣基督,你和你一家都必得救。”我宣告某人获得救恩,请赐我勇气与他们分享福音。帮助我清楚地表达出来,愿圣灵在这个机会上与我一起做工。父啊,我要赞美和感谢你,你不希望任何人灭亡,而是要所有人都认识基督的救恩…

