0709 – Peace with God 与神有平安

Have you experienced peace in your life lately?The peace in our lives can be stolen quickly when something happens in our lives just like the peace and tranquility is broken when a pebble is thrown into a pond of still water. The peace that the world offers to us is more likely to be a false sense of peace that is subject to the environment. Peace can be stolen from us when we receive a bad report , have a strained relationship, have a health issue or when there is a national emergency.

Do you know that we are able to experience peace in our lives in the midst of chaos?

Romans 5:1(NKJV) Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

We are powerless to make ourselves to have a right standing before a holy, just and righteous God thus it drives people to look for the grace and mercy of God. Therefore, it is fearful and tormenting when men do not have an answer as to how they are going to face God on the day of judgment. However, if one has received the good news of God’s perfect love in the form of unmerited favor when He sent His only Son to die for us on the cross then our hearts will be settled and will be at rest. The grace of God is found in Jesus Christ. He came to seek and to save those who are lost. He died for the ungodly. We are justified or made righteous by faith in believing that God made Jesus to be sin for us when He knew no sin himself so that we can have the righteousness of God. Jesus’ blood was shed for us to obtain the forgiveness of sin and redemption from eternal damnation. This peace that we have obtained with God through Jesus Christ is purely the act of God and it has nothing to do with ourselves or our good works. Therefore, the wrath of God towards the sin in our lives has been completely dealt with once and for all on the cross of Calvary. Jesus has obtained for us the PEACE WITH GOD. We are able to enter into rest from trying to make ourselves to be accepted by God and concentrate on living a life that glorifies Him.

1 John 4:18 (NKJV) There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

The opposite of fear is peace and peace is the absence of fear. We have peace with God! Our hearts are settled and experience peace because the above scriptures tells us that we have PEACE WITH GOD. When we understand the perfect love of God then it drives out all fear including future torment.

Sermon Series: Peace – Fruit of the Holy Spirit





罗马书 5:1 我们既因信称义,就藉着我们的主耶稣基督得与 神相和。

我们无力使自己有资格在圣洁、 审判和公义的神面前站立,这驱使人们寻求神的恩典和怜悯。所以当人们不知道如何在审判来临之日面对上帝时,就会倍感恐惧和折磨。然而,如果一个人领受了上帝完美的爱之福音,就是祂差遣祂的独生爱子为我们死在十字架上,使我们蒙那本不配得的恩惠,我们的心就会安定继而笃定下来。在耶稣基督里我们找到神的恩典。祂来寻找和拯救那些迷失的人。祂为不敬虔的人死。我们因信称义,是因为我们相信耶稣明明知道自己无罪卻代替了我们所有的罪,所以我们才得以拥有神的公义。耶稣的宝血为我们而流,使我们的罪得赦免命得拯救,免于地狱的永刑。我们通过耶稣基得来的与神的平安纯粹是神的作为,这与我们自己或我们做的善事无关。因此,神对我们生命中的罪的愤怒,已经在各各他山上的十字架上被毕其功于一役地彻底解决。 耶稣为我们争取到与神的平安。我们曾经想方设法地寻求上帝的接纳,如今可以进入安息,专心活出荣耀祂的生命。

約翰一書 4:18 愛裏沒有懼怕;愛既完全,就把懼怕除去。因為懼怕裏含着刑罰,懼怕的人在愛裏未得完全。


讲章系列:和平 (平安)– 圣灵所结的果子