Today’s Sunday Service – 30 October 2022

ICS Online Service
ICS 线上聚会

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欢迎参加 ICS 线上聚会。我们致力于提供以下的聚会流程,协助你在这段期间连结ICS ,让我们与你同行。ICS会持续地透过线上主日信息(音频、影音)。包括赞美敬拜,读经,问题讨论,代祷,来服事基督肢体和教会家人们。

Today’s Sunday Service

Speaker: Pastor Daniel Ho
Title: Natural or Unnatural? (Part 2 – Homosexuality)
Main Scripture: Genesis 1:27-28

讲员:Pastor Daniel Ho
讲题:自然或非自然 (第二部分 – 同性恋)
章节:创世记 1:27-28

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English Service with Chinese Translation 英文聚会 (中文翻译)

English Service with Chinese 英文聚会 (中文翻译) Page Link (access and/or download here)
For the password, please click here.

Video Youtube Link (for viewers outside Mainland China)


1. 明白上帝在社会中指定了自然的家庭单位,即男女之间的婚姻并生儿育女,解释上帝对旧约中展示的同性恋的看法是什么?
(创世记 1:27-28; 创世记 19:4-5,24; 利末记 18:22; 利末记 20:13)

2. 通过罗马书的经文中,上帝任凭人们放纵可羞耻的情欲和非自然的欲望这段话,解释为什么同性恋在上帝的眼中是如此可憎恶的。圣经对错误和罪的立场是什么?当社会强迫我们接受他们的另类生活方式,并顺应世俗的标准时,我们应该如何回应?
(罗马书 1:26-28,32; 哥林多前书 6:9)

(罗马书 3:23; 约翰福音 3:17; 罗马书 5:6; 马太福音 9:11-13)

English Service 英文聚会

English Service Page Link (access and/or download here)
For the password, please click here.

Video Youtube Link (for viewers outside Mainland China)

CG Discussion Questions:

1. Knowing that God ordained natural family unit in society where a man and a woman consummate their marriage and bear children, explain what is God’s view on homosexuality as shown in the Old Testament?
(Genesis 1:27-28; Genesis 19:4-5, 24; Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13)

2. With the passage in Romans as God gave the people up to vile passions and unnatural appetite, explain why homosexuality is such an abomination in the eyes of God. What is the Biblical stand on wrong and sin, and how should we react when the society is forcing us accept their alternative lifestyles and conform to the worldly standard?
(Romans 1:26-28, 32; 1 Corinthians 6:9)

3. As Jesus lived and ate with sinners without condoning their sins or lifestyle, discuss how we can make a stand as Christians that homosexuality is unnatural, without being judgmental towards them but be gracious to befriend them and take time to minister to them when the opportunity arises.
(Romans 3:23; John 3:17; Romans 5:6; Matthew 9:11-13)

Weekly Prayer Points


Abba Father, Your name is higher than any other name, that at the name of Jesus every knee has to bow and confess that He is Lord.
We worship You and adore You. We love You and lift up Your name. We magnify and exalt You.


Pray for Pastor Daniel, the board, the staff and all their family members for the Lord’s protection and safety for them. Pray that the Lord build a hedge around them against all harm and danger.

Pray for the cell leaders for the Lord’s anointing for them as they lead the cell groups, to love and care for the cell members. Pray that more people will join the cell groups and that the groups will be welcoming to the new members and be a small family within the church.

Pray that the presence of the Lord will permeate the place where the people watch and listen to the service online and touch them and they have an encounter with the Lord. Pray that the word will minister to the people and will not return to the Lord void but accomplish all that it is purposed.

Pray for TEC as they continue to work out the activities and programmes, for the Lord’s wisdom to be upon the team as they work together to plan and execute the activities and programmes.

Pray for Honor M that the favour of the Lord be upon them as they plan and run the different activities and programmes. Pray for the team for the wisdom of the Lord be upon them in their planning.
为Honor M祷告,在他们计划和管理不同的活动和项目中,求主赐福于他们。为团队祷告,愿主在他们计划的时候赐他们智慧。


Pray for the wisdom and anointing of the Lord be upon Pastor Sandra as she leads the ICSG. Pray that they will be able to plan programmes and activities that can be used in the Activity Centre to reach out and bless the people, especially the unsaved.


Pray for Ukraine for a divine intervention and the wisdom of the Lord be upon the leaders as they seek a peaceful resolution. Pray for the Ukrainians and Russians who are suffering in the midst of violence. Pray that the churches will be a beacon of hope for the people.

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