Today’s Sunday Service – 05 June 2022

ICS Online Service
ICS 线上聚会

Join our online service as we prepare the following online agenda so that you will still be able to connect with ICS during this period. ICS continues to minister to fellow Christians and Church members through our Praise and Worship, studying the Word of God via online sermons (both audio and video), questions and answers, and also prayer requests.

欢迎参加 ICS 线上聚会。我们致力于提供以下的聚会流程,协助你在这段期间连结ICS ,让我们与你同行。ICS会持续地透过线上主日信息(音频、影音)。包括赞美敬拜,读经,问题讨论,代祷,来服事基督肢体和教会家人们。

Today’s Sunday Service

Speaker: Dr. Barbara Wentroble
Title: Well-Being Through Overcoming Hindrances
Main Scripture: John 16:33

讲员:Dr. Barbara Wentroble
章节:约翰福音 16:33

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English Service with Chinese Translation 英文聚会 (中文翻译)

English Service with Chinese Translation 英文聚会 (中文翻译) Page Link (access and/or download here)
For the password, please click here.

Video Youtube Link (for viewers outside Mainland China)


1. 描述一下你的得救经历和你对基督徒生命的期望。你是否曾经怀疑过你的救恩,或者想知道为什么你作为一个基督徒会在生活中经历这么多困难?耶稣告诉我们,生活在这个世界上会有魔鬼的攻击和苦难,但祂已经胜了世界,对此你有什么看法?
(士师记 6:13; 彼得前书 5:8; 约翰福音 16:33)

2. 你是否感到受某些人控制了,他们试图透过发泄愤怒或内疚感的手段去对付和控制你,使你远离幸福,或者你是那个对别人有着控制的灵的人?讨论什么样的恐惧或症状,包括对失败的恐惧、没有归属感或缺乏安全感,阻碍了你去拥抱幸福。
(罗马书 8:15; 约翰福音 2:24)

3. 为什么有些人很难去信任别人,重建信任和饶恕可相同并论吗?解释仆人和儿子的区别,他们的动机有什么不同?我们怎样才能克服阻碍去拥抱幸福?
(罗马书 8:15)

English Service 英文聚会

English Service Page Link (access and/or download here)
For the password, please click here.

Video Youtube Link (for viewers outside Mainland China)

CG Discussion Questions:

1. Describe your salvation experience and your expectation of a Christian life. Have you ever doubted your salvation or wondered why you are going through so many difficulties in life as a Christian? What is your view as Jesus told us that there will be devil’s attack and tribulation living in this world, but He has overcome the world?
(Judges 6:13; 1 Peter 5:8; John 16:33)

2. Have you felt controlled by some people through their tactics of using anger or guilt against you that keep you from well-being or have you been the one with a controlling spirit on others? Discuss what kind of fear or symptoms including fear of failure, no sense of belonging or insecurity have kept you out of well-being.
(Romans 8:15; John 2:24)

3. Why is it difficult for some people to trust others and does regaining trust and forgiveness always come together? Explain the differences between a servant and a son, and how are they motivated differently? How can we overcome hindrances for our well-being?
(Romans 8:15)

Weekly Prayer Points

Heavenly Father, thank you for Your love and grace.
We praise and exalt Your name in all the earth.
You change not and Your loving kindness is new every morning.

Thank you that You have a purpose for each one of us and we pray that everyone will catch the vision of ICS that ‘We are a family blessed to bless the community and the nations’. Thank you that You have bless us abundantly that we can bless others financially and support the seminary students and others who are in ministry. You are ever faith to provide for us.

We pray that we will walk in love and unity towards one and another. That we will be like minded, having the same love, of being of one accord and of one mind. (Philippians 2:2 New King James)
使我们意念相同,爱心相同,有一样的心思,有一样的意念。(腓立比书 2:2)

Pray for Pastor Daniel that the anointing and wisdom of the Lord be upon him as he prepares the sermon and that the presence of the Lord be in the midst wherever the people will be watching the service, that the people will receive the word and grow in You. Pray that people will be saved.

Thank you Holy Spirit that You are moving in our midst on our online service. We pray that the people will worship and receive the word wholeheartedly, that we be doers of Your Word and bear fruits in our lives.

Pray for the Kids Church and Trailblazers that the anointing of the Lord will be upon the people who lead and work with them. Pray that the children and youth will grow in the Lord, that they will be bold and blaze a trail for others.

We pray for Pastor Kelly and the team that Your anointing be upon them as they prepare the sermons that will minister to the children and youth. Pour out Your HOLY SPIRIT UPON THEM that their lives will be transformed.

We pray for the children and youth who still do not know You to come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

We pray for church members who are under lock down that You will infuse Your love and grace into them.

We pray for Barbara Wentroble for her 6 sermon series for the market place. We pray that the people will receive the teachings and the impartation.

We pray for the media and translation team as they work on the subtitles for the video.

Pray for the anointing and wisdom of God to be upon the Devotional team as they work to put together Pastor Daniel’s sermons into bite size daily devotionals.

We pray for the devotional team. We pray for the writers as they put together Pastor Daniel’s sermons into bite sizes for the daily posting. We pray for the Chinese translators too.

PTL! All the districts in Shanghai have achieved the societal zero infection. Let’s pray that the authorities will open up the important facilities and services.

Pray for the well-being of the people in Shanghai especially for those who are still under lockdown within their residence. Praise God for those who are able to step out of their compounds and within their compounds.

Pray for more clarity regarding the pandemic management after the progressive reopening.

Pray for those whose business are affected by the current lockdown and the clarity of mind with the Lord’s wisdom to know what best to do.

Pray for members not to be overly anxious about their job during this period of lockdown. Pray for the mental and emotional well-being of the people as the city continues to struggle with the being completely reopened or the return to normalcy.

Pray for Sri Lanka that the country will be able to get out of bankruptcy. Pray that the tourism sector will be revived. Pray that the churches will be a beacon of hope to the people. Pray for the well-being of the people.

Pray that Montenegro will have a revival. There are about 100 believers in a population of 650,000 我们为黑山的复兴祷告。他们在65万人口中,约有100名信徒。

* Always pray for the lost, that the veil over their eyes will be lifted and they will come to know the Lord. *永远为失丧的灵魂得着救赎祈求。除去蒙住他们眼睛的帕子,让他们认识主。

Pray for ICSG that they will be able to reach out to the lost. Pray that the activity center will be used wisely and to use it for outreach programs to reach the lost. 为ICS新加坡教会祷告,愿他们能接触到那些失丧的灵魂。求主让活动中心能得着智慧的使用,并将其用于外展计划,让失丧的人们得到帮助。

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