11 July,2021 (11am)
延伸恩典(Extending Grace)
27 June,2021 (9am)
Extending Grace
27 June,2021 (11am)
我们有来自上帝那坚定不移的帮助和支持(We Have an Unwavering Help and Support from the Lord)
20 June,2021 (9am)
We Have an Unwavering Help and Support from the Lord
20 June,2021 (11am)
从绝望到新的任务(From Despair to a New Assignment)
13 June,2021 (9am)
From Despair to a New Assignment
13 June,2021 (11am)
哎哟!很伤人啊!(第二部分) 让我们来祷告 (Ouch! It Hurts! Let Us Pray (Part 2)
6 June,2021 (9am)
Ouch! It Hurts! Let Us Pray (Part 2)
6 June,2021 (11am)
哎哟!很伤人啊!(Ouch! It Hurts!)
30 May,2021 (9am)