ICS will be celebrating its 14th Anniversary this year!  今年ICS将迎来14周年庆典!

We thank God for His faithfulness and the outpouring of His blessings into ICS for the last 14 years. You and your family and friends are cordially invited to join us. We would like to take this opportunity to share with you more about ICS.  我们感恩上帝的信实,也感恩祂在过去14年里对ICS倾注的祝福。我们热诚邀请您及您的家人朋友来参加。从而借此机会,我们想和大家分享更多关于ICS的信息。

We will have our ServeFest at the same time!  在举办周年庆的同时,我们也会举办服事招募节。

You will get to know all kinds of ministries we have and have an opportunity to be part of them! 你将了解我们所有的事工,并有机会成为其中的一员去服事更多的人!

ServeFest is a biannual event to create awareness and encourage members to sign up and serve on the different ministries that work as one in ICS. Take time to meet each Ministry Head and the team  members. Let us have fun and fellowship. Each one is part of the puzzle. Each one has a special role no matter how big or small. Let us all glorify God by serving and using the talents and gifts He has given us. Serving is also a part of ICS culture!


Event Details 活动内容

Special Notes 备注: 

  • Within 72hr PCR negative reportNormal temperature (below 37.3ºC) to enter Grand Millennium Hotel. 持有72小时核酸阴性检测报告/ 正常体温方可进入酒店。
  • Within the last 5 Days have NOT been outside of Shanghai. 五天内没有离沪。
  • No need to pre-register 无需提前预约.

We are a family blessed to bless the community and the nations. 我们是个蒙福的家庭为要祝福社群和列国。