Biblical Based Business Plan and Biblical Based Life Plan 基于圣经的商业计划和基于圣经原则的生命计划

Event Description 活动介绍:
Are you seeking the Lord for what and how to reset or restart your work and life post pandemic?

ICS Marketplace Committee has put resources together to assist you on the journey. We will be conducting an online session to assist those who are seeking God for direction for their life and / or business, to work out their Biblical Based Life Plan (BBLP) and / or Biblical Based Business Plan (BBBP) using the template given to us during our last ICCC sessions.

Come join us to discover what is your calling and God’s plan for your life and business.

The objective is to help you 我们的目标是帮助你在以下几方面:
1. To see your own life from God’s perspective and understand that He – The Lord – is a collaboration partner for you. 从上帝的角度看你自己的生命,并明白主——是你的合作伙伴。
2. To work out His purpose for your life and what it takes 去实现祂对你生命的目标和你将要付出的努力

Cost 费用:
Your commitment and willing heart to consecrate your life to Him

Date & Time 日期和时间:
16th May 2020 (Saturday) 5月16日2020年(周六)
Choose Between 二选一
1. Morning Session 10am-12pm 上午段 10点-12点
2. Afternoon Session 4pm-6pm 下午段 4点到6点

Notes 备注:
1. The session is open to foreign ID holder only 本活动只对国外身份的人士
2. Registration closed on 14th May 2020 to facilitate emailing of notes and group allocation. 5月14日截至注册以便分组和邮寄材料