240410 – Choose to Live in God’s Blessings  选择活在上帝的祝福中

2 Corinthians 6:14-15 (NKJV) Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?

If a believer chooses to marry an unbeliever, that person must face the consequences and challenges that come with the marriage. Lawlessness means having no regard for God and His teaching. Fornication and cohabitation constitute lawlessness because the Bible teaches us that they are unacceptable. The marriage bed must not be defiled, because our bodies were bought with the blood of Jesus Christ.

Marriage is one part of our lives. The problem with many people is that they compartmentalise their lives, and only partially or selectively surrender their lives to God. Consequently, they face many sufferings that God never intended for them to have. If a couple is unequally yoked, their married life will be prone to many conflicts, including their definitions of marriage, their roles and responsibilities, their expectations of each other, the handling of finances, raising children in the ways of the Lord, and if God is the priority in their family’s life. These challenges are a result of the decisions that we make apart from God and His teaching.

Even if we are dating a Christian, we should always seek God whether that person is the right person for us to marry. Their spiritual maturity, calling, and character must also be taken into consideration.

Another scenario is where married couples live in different cities or countries in pursuit of their careers.  This is unhealthy and strongly discouraged because a couple is supposed to stick as one flesh. Aside from the need for intimacy, they need to support each other spiritually and emotionally. A couple should always move as a family unit since we value God first, family second, and career third. If something were to happen during the time of separation and cause the marriage to break down, it is purely reaping what we have sown. Therefore, whenever one person needs to move to another city, a Christian couple should always seek the face of God regarding which person should give up their job to be with the spouse.

Galatians 6:7-8 (NKJV) Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.

The flesh is the sum of appetites, desires, and needs—whose purpose is the satisfaction of self—and everything in our lives that wants to live independently from God. Because we will face the consequences of sowing into the flesh, we must seek the blessing of God before we make any major decisions in life and refrain from deciding until we are clear about His will for us.

Sermon Series: Unless Your Presence Goes with Us



如果信徒选择与非信徒结婚,就需要面对这样选择的后果和在婚姻中的挑战。违法意味着无视上帝和祂的教导。通奸和同居构成违法行为,因为圣经教导我们这是不可接受的。 婚床不可玷污,因为我们的身体是用耶稣基督的宝血买来的。

婚姻是我们生活的一部分。许多人的问题是,他们把自己的生活区分开来,只是部分或选择性地将自己的生活交给上帝。因此,他们面临着许多上帝从未打算让他们遭受的苦难。如果一对夫妻负有不平等的轭,他们的婚姻生活就会容易出现许多冲突,包括他们对婚姻的定义、他们的角色和责任、他们对彼此的期望、财务的处理、以圣经所教导的方式抚养孩子,以及上帝是否是他们家庭生活中的首要优先级。 这些挑战是我们在上帝和祂的教导之外做出的决定的结果。


另一种情况是已婚夫妻为了追求自己的事业而居住在不同的城市或国家。 这是不健康的,也是非常不鼓励的,因为夫妻应该是一体的。除了需要亲密关系之外,他们还需要在灵命和情感上互相支持。 夫妻应该始终作为一个家庭单位一起行动,因为我们首先看重上帝,其次是家庭,第三是事业。如果在分居期间发生了什么事情,导致婚姻破裂,那纯粹是自食其果。 因此,每当基督徒夫妻中的一个人需要搬到另一个城市时,他们应该花时间寻求上帝的面,以决定哪一位需要停下工作来与配偶在一起。




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