240405 – The Pastor’s Roles 牧师的角色

Hebrews 13: 7, 17 (NKJV) Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct…. Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.

All of us have different roles to play in the church because the church is a body ministry made up of people with different giftings. The role of the pastor is a gift from God to the church for a specific purpose. The opening Scriptures say that the calling of the elder or pastor is to rule over the body of believers.

Nobody likes to be ruled over because we don’t want to have to listen to anyone or be told what to do. Maybe some of us feel that we are too gifted, qualified academically, successful, or have higher social standing to be ruled over by the local pastor. Consequently, we might have a sense of entitlement or a disrespectful attitude towards our pastor.

Pastors are not bosses, so they won’t lord over the church members or take advantage of them, but they are the ones God has placed over His body of believers to lead. Pastors have the interest of the church members and the mandate given to them by God in their hearts, and they need to balance these needs well. Their hearts are to please God and not men. Therefore, they are not people-pleasers, especially when they are criticised and pulled in all directions to do what men want. They must not be swayed by the biggest givers or the most influential people in the church. They are called to lead because shepherds are to lead the sheep to green pastures and use their staff to ward off predators, to protect the sheep from false teachers and those who want to take advantage of them.

The three roles of local pastors are to lead, manage, and pastor the church. Firstly, these undershepherds must learn to submit to their Chief Shepherd, Jesus, to only do what God has called them to do for a particular parish, and also because they are God’s spokespersons. Secondly, they will preach and teach the Word of God, especially topics that God has placed in their hearts to minister to the sheep because they know their needs well. Thirdly, the Lead or Senior Pastor will decide on the spiritual direction, strategy, and operation of the church because He is God’s appointed leader.

God is a God of order so there is an order and a system that God has put in place for the church to function effectively and efficiently. Only when the church is set in order can she carry out the mandate to reach the lost. The Chief Shepherd will speak to His undershepherd regarding the church and her direction, and we are to obey and submit to the pastor’s leadership.

Sermon Series: The Pastor



我们所有人在教会中扮演着不同的角色,因为教会是一个由具有不同恩赐的人组成的事工团体。 牧师的角色是神出于特定目的而赐给教会的礼物。 开头的经文提到,长老或牧师的呼召是要管理做基督肢体的信徒们。

没有人喜欢被统治,因为我们不想听任何人的意见或被告知要做什么。 也许我们中的一些人觉得自己太有天赋,学术水平太高,太成功,或者有更高的社会地位,不应该受当地牧师的统治。 这样做的结果是,我们可能会享受牧师的牧养是理所当然的或者对牧师抱有不尊重的态度。

牧师不是职场上的老板,所以他们不会凌驾于教会成员之上或利用他们得到好处,但他们是神安排来领导祂的信徒们的人。 牧师心里有教会成员的利益和神赋予他们的使命,需要很好地平衡这些需求。 他们的心是要讨神喜悦,而不是讨人喜悦。 因此,他们不是讨好人的人,尤其是当他们受到批评并被拉扯去做人想要的事情时。 他们不能被教会中最大的奉献者或最有影响力的人所左右。 他们被呼召来带领,因为牧者要带领羊群到青草地,并使用他们的杖来抵御掠食者,保护羊群免受假教师和那些想利用羊群的人的伤害。

地方牧师的三个角色是带领、管理和牧养教会。 首先,这些牧师必须学会顺服他们的牧长耶稣,只做神呼召他们为特定教区做的事,也因为他们是神的代言人。 其次,他们会传讲和教导神的话语,特别是神放在他们心里要服事羊群的话题,因为他们很了解羊群的需要。 第三,首席牧师或主任牧师将决定教会的属灵方向、策略和运作,因为他是神任命的领袖。

神是一位有秩序的神,因此神为教会设立了一个秩序和系统,以便有效和高效地运作。 只有当教会恢复秩序后,她才能履行使命,帮助失丧的人。 牧长,也就是耶稣,会向他的牧人谈论教会和教会的方向,而我们要服从并顺服牧师的带领。


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