240322 – Imitate Paul’s Passion 效法保罗的热忱

2 Corinthians 5:13-15 (NKJV) For if we are beside ourselves, it is for God; or if we are of sound mind, it is for you. For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.  

We seldom pause to think about the fragility of mankind until a crisis hits, such as the recent outbreak of COVID-19 where millions have lost their lives. We must not waste the crisis but ask what we can learn from it. We must not forget there are two kinds of death: physical death and spiritual death when someone enters eternity. The church must rise to the calling and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the last and great commission of Jesus Christ entrusted to the church—His body of believers.

The Apostle Paul was one of the most passionate preachers of the Gospel recorded in the Bible. He would rather be accursed in exchange for the salvation of his people. One thing that drove him so passionately could be the revelation given to him by God, but we too have the same knowledge about Jesus after we have read what the Apostle Paul wrote in this passage. The question is whether we are living our lives for God, and have a passion for Jesus and a sense of urgency to preach the Gospel.

Church attendance around the world is at approximately 60% of their pre-COVID levels because either our hearts have grown cold, or we are too accustomed to watching service online. While the church is struggling to find her footing in a post-COVID environment, God is still compelling us to reach out to the lost with the Gospel. Because Jesus came to die for the ungodly, everyone has the right to be saved. Therefore, we need to listen carefully to and heed the urging of God in our hearts to share the Gospel in the marketplace, and with our friends and neighbours, because we are the witnesses that God has placed among them. He has entrusted the church to carry out this mission on earth.

Therefore, let us imitate the passion that Paul had for preaching the Gospel. We are disciples of Jesus Christ, and we know that the great commission is for all of us to preach the Gospel to all nations. Look no further than the city where you are residing, because most of the nations are represented there. We are sent to the world to be witnesses and ambassadors for Christ.

Sermon Series: God’s Compelling Love


哥林多后书5:13-15我们若果癫狂,是为神;若果谨守,是为你们。 原来基督的爱激励我们。因我们想,一人既替众人死,众人就都死了; 并且他替众人死,是叫那些活着的人不再为自己活,乃为替他们死而复活的主活。






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