240219 – Arise and Build the Church 兴起和建造教会

Proverbs 29:18 (NIV) Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.

God is grieving for those who have died and entered into an eternity without Christ. As COVID-19 continues to spread globally, there is urgency to arise and build His Church, and He is challenging us to rise up and build His church by aggressively reaching out to the lost even when the physical church is closed.

In the opening verse, “cast off all restraint” means that everyone busy doing what they want rather than participate in what the church has been called to do. The vision of the church not only unites the members of the church, but when everyone is running with the vision of the church, they are living for a purpose bigger than themselves.

All of us should participate and rally behind the vision of the local church, pulling in the same direction—the direction of that God has called the church to be in in that season of ministry, leaving no room for the devil to distract us through strife and division or pursuing personal agendas.  

It is the responsibility of the pastor of the local church, who is the under-shepherd, to draw down the blueprint from heaven, cast the vision to the congregation, and lead the entire church towards it. The vision of the church is a picture of what point B looks like from point A, but there will be no traction unless the church is united and agrees with the vision, which is why everyone should buy into the vision of the church before they commit to be a member.

Genesis 12:3 (NKJV) and I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.

The vision statement of ICS is “We are a family blessed to bless the community and the nations”. It is based on Genesis 12:3 where God told Abraham that through him and the covenant with him will come the Messiah, and it is the work of the Messiah to have all the families of the earth be blessed. The blessing referred to here is receiving the plan of salvation through the shed blood of Jesus Christ for all mankind, every household, regardless of their nationality. The vision and mandate that God has given ICS is to reach out to all the different nations in Shanghai, China. 

God wants His body to be united and working together in reaching out to the lost despite the absence of onsite services because that is the heart cry of God, and He will move our hearts to seek out the lost sheep.

Sermon Series: Arise and Build


箴言 29:18 没有异象,民就放肆;惟遵守律法的,便为有福。

神正在为那些已经死去且进入永恒却没有基督的人而悲伤。随着新冠疫情不断在全球蔓延,现在迫切需要建立 神的教会,祂正在挑战我们兴起建立教会,在实体教会被关闭时,热切地向失丧者外展。



蒙神带领的本地牧师有责任从天上拉下这一蓝图,将异象投射给会众;并带领整个教会朝异象奋进。教会的异象就象是从 A 点看 B 点是什么样的一幅图景,但除非教会团结一致并认同这一异象,否则不会有任何吸引力,正因为如此,每个成员在承诺成为教会成员之前,都必须先接受教会的异象。

创世纪 12:3 3为你祝福的,我必赐福与他;那咒诅你的,我必咒诅他。地上的万族都要因你得福。

ICS 的异象是我们是个蒙福的家庭,为要祝福社群和列国。这个异象取自创世记 12:3,在那里上帝告诉亚伯拉罕,弥赛亚将通过他和与他所立的约来到。弥赛亚的工作是让世上的所有家庭都得到祝福。祝福于此的意思就是接受通过耶稣基督为全人类,为无分邦国的每个家庭,所流的宝血而成就的救恩计划。上帝赋予ICS的异象和使命就是向居住在中国上海的各国人士外展。

尽管没有现场主日礼拜,但神希望祂的肢体团结一致,共同努力,向失丧的人伸出手,因为这是 神的心声,祂会感动我们的心去寻找迷失的羊。

讲章系列:兴起和建造 (第一部分)

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