240211 – Someone Can Empathize with You 祂能与你感同身受

Hebrews 4:14-16 (NKJV) Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Many of us have been heavily impacted by COVID 19 and are experiencing multiples kinds of stress.  How we wish we could have a leader who can empathize with the challenges that we are facing at home or at work! But what if we don’t receive the support and empathy from our bosses or family members? Who can sustain us and how can we cope? The answer is to go to the throne of grace daily and as often as possible in a day.

Jesus is our great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, so He can empathize with every one of us because God came as a man after He had humbled and emptied Himself. Jesus had the same nature as us, and grew up as a child in the family of a carpenter. He was tempted, went through hardships and sufferings including persecutions and having to deal with difficult people like the Pharisees and the corrupted Chief Priests. Not only was He betrayed by His disciple, He was also rejected by His own people who asked for a murderer to be released instead of Him despite His innocence. He was subjected to the weakness of the physical body by being whipped 39 stripes and crucified on the cross. He went through emotional turmoil and trauma. Nonetheless, in spite of being wrongfully accused, He kept silent. As the High Priest, He represents all of us before God. Therefore, He is able fully empathize with every one of us when it comes to physical, mental, or emotional stress. He is also praying for us at the right hand of the Heavenly Father.

Although we may not have people who can empathize with us, we have an open invitation from God to approach Him whenever we have a need in our lives. What a privilege it is to have round-the-clock access to God who can give us grace, mercy, and wisdom to face the stress and challenges for the day! Therefore, let’s make the most of that invitation to fellowship with Him and draw strength from Him.

Sermon Series: Go to the Throne of Grace


希伯来书4:14-16 我们既然有一位已经升入高天尊荣的大祭司,就是神的儿子耶稣,便当持定所承认的道。因我们的大祭司并非不能体恤我们的软弱,他也曾凡事受过试探,与我们一样,只是他没有犯罪。所以我们只管坦然无惧地来到施恩的宝座前,为要得怜恤,蒙恩惠,作随时的帮助。

我们许多人都受到了COVID 19的严重影响,正在经历多种压力。我们多么希望我们能有一位对我们在家里或工作中面临的挑战感同身受的领导者!但如果我们得不到老板或家人的支持和同情呢?谁能支持我们,我们又该如何应对?答案就是每天尽可能多地来到施恩宝座前。

耶稣是我们伟大的越过高天的大祭司。神谦卑地倒空自己成为人, 所以祂可以体恤我们每一个人。祂有和我们同样的本性,祂从小在木匠的家里出生,成长。祂受试探,经历苦难,包括迫害,还要对付难搞的人,如法利赛人和败坏的祭司长。祂不仅被祂的门徒背叛,祂的子民也拒绝祂,尽管祂是无辜的,他们却宁愿要求释放一个杀人犯置祂十字架。祂经受了肉体的软弱,被鞭打了39下,钉在十字架上。祂经历了情感上的动荡和创伤。然而,虽然被控以子虚乌有的罪名,祂却是不开口。作为大祭司,祂在神面前代表了我们所有人。因此,当我们遇到身体、精神或情绪上的压力时,祂能完全共情我们每一个人。祂也在天父的右边为我们祷告。

虽然我们可能找不到与我们共情之人,但每当我们生活中有需要的时候,都有神公开的邀请叫我们来亲近祂。能不分昼夜地与神亲近是何等的荣幸,祂赐给我们恩典、怜悯和智慧来面对那一天的压力和挑战! 因此,让我们充分利用这邀请,与祂团契,从祂得力。

讲章系列: 来到施恩宝座前

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