240108 – He First Loved Us 祂先爱了我们

2 Peter 1:2(NKJV) Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord,

What is God’s grace? Grace is (Bible Speaks Today BST): God’s good pleasure to delight in people who do not deserve it. It is the generous heart of God who determines to treat sinful men and women as He lovingly wishes rather than as they deserve. We need to know God’s kind of love and grace in order to extend grace to others when we are being wronged by them. This is important because God asked us to love our neighbors as Jesus has loved us.

The scripture tells us that grace and peace will be multiplied to us when we know the work of Jesus Christ and God especially God’s agape love towards us. Agape love is unconditional love. Once we are able to appreciate and experience His agape love then we are able to extend a similar kind of love to our neighbors.

The definition of Agape love is…. Love (Strong’s #26 Agape) It is the undefeatable benevolence and unconquerable good will that always seeks the highest good of the other person, no matter what he does. It is the self-giving love that gives freely without asking anything in return and does not consider the worth of its object. It is a love by choice.

We are reminded of His agape love as we stay in His presence daily. Therefore, we should also extend grace, mercy and love to others when we have been blessed by His grace. That’s Agape love!

Romans 5:1 (NKJV) Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is purely God’s grace and Agape love shown on the cross of Calvary that enabled us to have peace with God. Justified means to be able to stand right before God just like we have never sinned in life. This state of our being is made possible through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. God is at peace with us. We didn’t achieve this position of right standing based on our good works nor by observing of the law. We would fail miserably if we are justified based on observing the law and good works because of the sin nature in us. We will naturally sin against God because we still have to deal with the flesh that constantly desires to live independent of God. God’s love for us is unconditional and it changes not. Our worthiness was not even put into consideration when God initiated the act of redemption. He loved us first unconditionally and now we need to learn to practice agape love with our fellow man.

Sermon Series: How to Love (Part 3)


彼得后书 1:2 愿恩惠平安、因你们认识神和我们主耶稣,多多的加给你们。


经文告诉我们,当我们越认识神和主耶稣基督的工,特别是神的对我们的爱,恩典与平安就会加倍地临到我们。 Agape 爱是无条件的爱。一旦我们能珍视和经历祂的Agape无条件的爱,那么我们就能够将同样的爱给予邻舍。






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