230805-The Best Identity 最好的身份

Colossians 3:11 (NKJV) where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is all and in all.

The Apostle Paul was encouraging the believers in the church of Colossae to identify themselves in the new man regardless of whether they were Greeks, Jews, circumcised or uncircumcised, male, or female, slaves or free. The church of Colossae was located on a major trade route, and it was a challenge for these people of different backgrounds to meet as a church. There were many adjustments for them to make after their salvation, and the same applies to us today.

The Apostle Paul had to teach them to see one another in Christ in order to eliminate biases, segregation, and division. All of us are equal before God because everyone of us is hidden in Christ. When we see each other in Christ, there will neither be male nor female, circumcised, or uncircumcised, Greek nor Jew, slave or free. There is a new position where God sees all of us in Christ. Likewise, we ought to treat each other equally without prejudice based on ethnicity, gender no social standing. We should be able to treat and love each other equally and have the confidence that we are worthy to receive our new identity in Him.

Scripture says we are priceless in the sight of God. We are loved by Him (John 3:16), we are His children (Ephesians 1:5-6), and we have peace with God (Romans 5:1-2). Your self-worth should be established on these truths.

This is the kind of confidence that comes with the new identity in Christ where we have direct access to the King of kings at His throne of grace to find help and mercy in time of need. We know that we have peace with God and are accepted by Him. There is no need to constantly be on the performance treadmill to get His acceptance, because He accepts us based on what Jesus has achieved for us and who we are in Christ. We are seen as righteous, blameless, and holy because we are hidden in Christ. We can have faith that He hears our prayer when we utter it in Jesus’ name.

This is indeed the best identity to have because it will hold us up in good and bad times. Once we have our identity in Jesus Christ, it will help us to weather through any kinds of storms in life. We will be emotionally stable because we are secure in Jesus Christ, and are no longer seeking applaud from men, or trying to measure our self-worth based on the positions that we had. All of us will retire one day, and as we leave our corporate positions, all the praises and admiration from men will stop too. If we have faith in God and live our lives based on the new identity, it will be easier for us to rebuild our lives when that happens.

Sermon Series: A New Identity after His Resurrection







