230730 – Reading, Writing and Seeing 读经、灵修日记和看见

John 10:27 (NKJV) My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

As humans, we desire to communicate with those we love, and our Heavenly Father is no exception. The Bible is the primary way that God speaks to us, and the Holy Spirit also speaks to us through personal revelation and inner witness. Just as God illuminates scriptures to us, He will also speak to us through intuition. This is how we sense the prompting of the Holy Spirit and the voice of God.

The voice of God is Spirit to spirit communication, whereby the Holy Spirit speaks directly to our spirit man. It is sensed as a spontaneous idea, word, feeling, or vision. It rises from the heart, and it is an intuitive process and spontaneous, whereas thoughts that come from the mind are analytical, cognitive, logical, and full of reasons.

While we need to be aware that not all spontaneous thoughts are of the Holy Spirit, we need to know that spontaneity is heart level communication, and we need to adjust our reception from the head to the heart, and tune into a flow of spontaneous thoughts. The Father’s voice is gentle and can be easily cut off once we revert to analytical and cognitive. Nonetheless, while we need to learn how to pick things up from the heart, we must make sure that our perceptions are always in line with the Word of God. By reading the Bible, we gain insight into what is right and wrong and learn principles and values. Additionally, when we consecrate ourselves to Him, God can give us a personal word.

Psalm 119:105 (NKJV) Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Journalling is a powerful way to document our conversations with God. When we speak to Him, He speaks to us. Therefore, journalling is a two-way dialogue. We can jot down the book, chapter, and verse that God has spoken to us during our time with Him. Tune into God’s voice and listen to spontaneous thoughts, write down the word of assurance, Scriptures, and other insights that come until they cease to flow.

Acts 2:17-18 (NKJV) And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.

The Bible also tells us that in the last days, God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh. Therefore, we should not limit God when it comes to how He will speak to us. There are two types of visions: the first comes as an unsought inner picture, just like hearing the prompting of God, and the second type is when we seek the Lord in praise and worship.

Let us cultivate the spiritual habit of drawing away from the crowd and spending quality time with God daily, through reading the Bible, praying, journalling and even taking a walk among nature to appreciate His creation and be reminded of how great and awesome our God is.

Sermon Series: How Much More God






诗篇119:105 祢的话是我脚前的灯,是我路上的光。


使徒行传 2:17-18神说,在末后的日子,我要将我的灵浇灌凡有血气的。你们的儿女要说预言,你们的少年人要见异象,你们的老年人要作异梦。


让我们养成属灵习惯,  远离人群的,每天花时间与神在一起,通过读圣经,祷告,写日记,甚至在大自然中散步来欣赏祂的创造,并提醒我们的神是多么伟大和令人敬畏。


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