230422 – Who Are Our Enemies? 谁是我们的仇敌?

Galatians 2:20 (Amplified) I have been crucified with Christ [in Him I have shared His crucifixion]; it is no longer I who live, but Christ (the Messiah) lives in me; and the life I now live in the body I live by faith in (by adherence to and reliance on and complete trust in) the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself up for me.

We need to live a Spirit controlled life to overcome evil with good. Nobody can do it in their own strength because the flesh doesn’t want to do good but the exact opposite. In fact, it is precisely when the Holy Spirit asks us to do good that we don’t want to listen to Him but want to gratify what our emotions want and retaliate instead.

So, who are our enemies? On a daily basis, our enemies will be those we find difficult to love in moments of anger. You may be offended by their remarks, upset by them for perpetually being late, not or taking up their responsibilities or their roles. Basically, they are anyone who causes us to be defensive, angry, and gets our emotions stirred up the wrong way—from our spouse, children, parents, in-law’s, colleagues, to even our Uber drivers!

A good Biblical example of someone who loves their enemy is Joseph. He was sold by his siblings due to their jealousy, and endured hardship and imprisonment as a result. Eventually, God vindicated him, and he became the prime minister of the land whereas His brothers were suffering from the famine. Not only did Joseph not take revenge, but he even welcomed them to stay and enjoy all that he had after their father’s death. That’s love, kindness and doing good towards your enemy. Joseph’s love towards his siblings was sincere. He chose to bless instead of to curse, and to live peaceably rather than to take revenge. He prevented further evil by doing good, and instead of choosing to do evil, he broke the vicious cycle of evil in his family. Joseph has proven that he could choose to do good, possess the right attitude and be a man of character.

As for us, we have identified with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. We no longer live for ourselves but for Him who died for us. The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death. We can be different! Love is a lifestyle, so let’s practise it together:

  • Don’t be easily offended.
  • Don’t engage in a heated conversation to justify ourselves, only to make the matter worst. Walk away and let it go!
  • Walk in love, seek restoration, and pursue to be a peacemaker.
  • Forgive just as the Lord has forgiven us.
  • Extend grace because nobody is perfect till we go to heaven. We have a gracious God.
  • Never repeat the matter again.
  • Bless and pray for the person.

Sermon Series: You Can Do It (Part 2)


加拉太书2:20 我已经与基督同钉十字架;现在活着的不再是我,而是基督(弥赛亚)在我里面活着;我如今在肉身活着,是因信(凭借和依靠和完全信任)神的儿子而活,祂爱我,为我舍己。



圣经中一个绝妙的爱仇敌的例子就是约瑟。他被他的哥哥们出于嫉妒卖了出去,到头来吃尽了苦头还进了监狱。最终,神为他伸冤了,并且他还成了那地方的宰相;而他的兄弟们却遭受了饥荒。约瑟不仅没有报复他们,在父亲死后还欢迎他们留下来享受自己所拥有的一切。这就是以爱、恩慈和善行对待你的仇敌。约瑟对兄弟姐妹的爱是真诚的。他选择祝福而不是诅咒 ,和平相处而不是报复 。他没有选择行恶,而是用善行阻止了进一步的恶行 ,从而打破了恶在这家庭中的恶性循环。约瑟已经证明了他能够选择做好事,拥有正确的态度,并成为一个有品格的人。


  • 不要轻易受冒犯。
  • 不要卷入激烈的对话来为自己辩护,那只会让事情更糟。走开,放下吧!
  • 行在爱中,寻求恢复,追求成为和平缔造者。
  • 饶恕别人,如同主饶恕了我们。
  • 施恩与人,在我们去到天堂以前世上是没有完人的。我们的神是个施恩的神。
  • 不要再提起这件事。
  • 为那个人祝福并为他祷告。
