COMING EVENTS| November 2023

1. Kids’ Church| OCTOBER Service Theme 儿童教会十月主日礼拜新主题

For more Kids Church information, please contact:

Racers, start your engines! In a race, you might need to navigate obstacles, pit stops, and tight turns in order to stay on the right track. As you’re zooming through the track, there’s so much to think about and it can be hard to stay focused on what’s most important! In this four-week series, we’ll learn some important stories from Joshua about how obstacles are no problem for God and how courage comes from knowing God’s words. No matter how long the race is, God can use someone like you because, with God, there is victory!
车手们,发动引擎吧! 在比赛中,你可能需要通过障碍、进站和急转弯来保持在正确的轨道上。当你在赛道上飞驰时,有太多的事情要考虑,很难把注意力集中在最重要的事情上! 在这个为期四周的系列中,我们将从约书亚那里学到一些重要的故事,这些障碍对神来说不是问题,以及勇气如何来自于知道神的话。无论比赛有多长,神都可以使用像你这样的人,因为有了神,就有了胜利!

2. Trailblazers | Youth Dance Class 青少年课外舞蹈课

For more Trailblazer information, please contact:

This is an opportunity for us to explore, expand, and develop the gifts that God has granted to us, let’s dance in praise of God. The purpose of this 12-session dance class is to create an outstanding performance for ICS’s 15th anniversary and the Christmas Gala. 这是一个让我们发掘、拓展以及锻炼神给我们恩赐的机会。让我们击鼓跳舞来赞美神。这次舞蹈课的目的是可以通过为期十二节课的时间为ICS周年庆以及年底的Gala带来精彩绝伦的表演。

3. ICS Special Events| 15th Anniversary 15周年庆

Click for more information 点击查看更多信息

We are thrilled to invite you to join us in celebrating a momentous occasion – our 15th Anniversary! His blessings have been with us every step of the way from the beginning to the present. Through the lessons of faith and obedience, we learn to rely on Him and seek His peace.

非常激动可以邀请您与我们一起庆祝这个重要的时刻-ICS 15周年纪念日! 从开始到现在,祂的祝福一直伴随着我们的每一步。通过信心和顺服的功课,我们学会依靠祂,寻求来自祂的平安。

For more Anniversary information, please contact

4. ICS Discipleship Training| Gate to Life 生命之门

5. TEC SHINE | Celerbrate TEC 5th Anniversary with Fun 庆祝TEC五周年

Click for more information

Fight Unhappiness – Facing School Challenges is a themed immersive camp experience that delves into the different school-related challenges. It teaches kids to address sources of unhappiness and ways to

We invite families and friends to celebrate this anniversary with us as we host our TEC SHINE | 5th Anniversary Carnival on Sunday, 19 November 11:30 am-5 pm. 10% of the proceeds from the entry tickets will be donated to charity. Moreover, come and experience the fair as we bring light on and raise awareness for a charitable cause in need, all thanks to Shanghai Voluntary Services Foundation and Shanghai Yicai Flying Foundation – BLESS Foundation.
我们邀请家庭和朋友于11月19日(周日)上午11:30点至下午5:00点欢度TEC 亮点 | 5周年嘉年华。门票收入的10%将捐赠给慈善机构。此外,欢迎来到一起体验庆典的欢乐,我们将为助福专项基金的项目提供关注以及支持,特别感谢上海市志愿服务公益基金会以及上海市益彩飞扬公益基金会 – 助福专项基金的大力支持。