Blog/Article (Page 303)

What’s on the menu?

What am I good at? What can I share? What are my gifts? Which area can I contribute to? Yup! SERVEFEST is coming up! So what’s the big deal? The big deal is that we are being given a time and space to specifically reflect on where and how we can make a difference! And there will be snacks. That’s the plus…

Tab, please!

I must have been the first person to pick up the new Vessel. There had been a bit of a delay and I was soooo looking forward to it! However, I do know that we are living in a tablet world, so do check out the e-Vessel, issue 9. Click on the “resources”.

What Have You Got On?

So you can hold yourself preternaturally still, without fidgeting. You’re patient. But sorry to say, that is not what the Bible is talking about when it told us to “put on… patience”. The NKJV used the term “longsuffering” and this is more like what is expected of us. What we “put on” represents Christ in this world. Hear more from Ps Jason…

Back to Church!

Yep, just as it’s back to school, it’s also back to church for our Kids and Youth! Kids Church will retake the 2nd floor of the Marriott Hongqiao and the Youth will reign again at the Function Room 6! See y’all!

The New Has Come

“The truly hurting” was a phrase that made me pause and think last week. The next logical question, “is there a fake hurting” should also have arrested me but it didn’t (that is another topic of discussion). What brought back to mind was the fact that big or small, shallow or deep, to the person who is hurting, it is real. They…

Are You His Friend?

God is definitely our Friend. We tell Him our desires, dreams, etc. Now the question is, are you His friend? Is He able to share with you, with me, His desires, dreams, etc.? Friendship is a two-way street. Something we often forget when it comes to our relationship with God. Check out the message on Sunday, 26 July, and be blessed. As…


Whose image do we bear? It is a valid question, don’t you think? Are we donning different hats? Changing it when it suits us? Be sure to check out Ps Allan’s message on Sunday, 19 July, tackling this issue.

Family Camp recording

Not exactly new but I’m guessing not a lot of people know so…Yep, just to reiterate that both audio and video for the Family Camp is up! Go check it out! Make our effort worth it! 🙂

God’s Capacity In You – ICS Family Camp 2015

About Speaker: Carl-Gustav Severin is an appreciated and dynamic preacher moved with compassion for the unsaved. His generous character and heartfelt messages open up many doors to the people that listen to him. He has been preaching for 40 years, and has since 1990 been a minister within Word of Life in Uppsala, Sweden. He shares generously of his own experiences about sorrows, struggles and victories for the listeners to apply in their own lives. Ps Carl-Gusfav, together with his wife, Monika and their five children have been living in Uppsala, Sweden since 1990.