240305 – Proverbs 10

Proverbs 10:2: “Ill-gotten treasures have no lasting value, but righteousness delivers from death.”

The very wise King Solomon explains how true, eternal purpose is found in righteousness and not in earthly treasures. 

Remember when Instagram changed their policies and deleted a bunch of inactive and bot accounts? Celebrities and influencers lost millions of followers over night and took to social media to express their disappointment. The more we learned about it, the more we realized that the deleted accounts didn’t belong to real people. They were either abandoned accounts that hadn’t been touched in years or, basically, robots. By deleting those accounts and slashing follower numbers, IG made it clear that there was no value in those followers. They weren’t real. They weren’t organic. They didn’t mean anything.

Sometimes we buy or manufacture things to look like popularity, success, or happiness when our internal realities are very different. Delete those fake accounts. Don’t allow them to alter the way you measure your life. Focus on the things that are real. The most fulfilling, life-giving, encouraging thing you can do for yourself is to focus on following Jesus. He will lead you to a righteous life in His eternal love.  

What false facades do you need to let go of so that you can focus on things that truly matter?