240102 – Proverbs 28

Proverbs 28:13: “Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” 

Living wisely doesn’t mean you’ll never make mistakes, but it does mean you’ll admit your wrong-doing and change your ways.  

My mom used to display a beautiful glass fish on the mantle. It was a really meaningful and expensive gift from my dad. I accidentally knocked the fancy fish off the mantle as I was reaching for a button on the TV, breaking off two of its fins. Through some Gorilla Glue and well-balanced drying techniques, I was able to cover up the entire mishap! No one ever noticed, but I was always on edge in the living room. Why would my parents keep something so delicate in such a high-traffic area!? Every time someone touched the table or reached for the TV, I’d grow nervous and panic they’d see the slight cracks. Eventually, the guilt was too much; I had to own up. It was such a relief! For months I’d been worrying about covering up the cracks, but now I could finally be honest and move forward.  

When you bury past mistakes in secrecy, they fester, but when you bring them to light, confess, and ask for forgiveness, God is able to forgive you and help you move past your past.  

Are you harboring guilt from a past mistake that you need to confess to move forward?