231225 – Proverbb 22

Proverbs 22:2: “Rich and poor have this in common: The Lord is the Maker of them all.” 

Every human being on this earth is created and loved by God. 

I’ll never forget our Wednesday night youth group the week after it happened. An 8th grade girl had been stabbed by an 8th grade boy in our town’s middle school where many of our students attended themselves. Thankfully, the girl would soon be released from the hospital and survive the attack, but that didn’t stop the questions and anger. “Why would God let this happen?” “Why did God ever let that boy be born?” “He’s going to Hell, right?” The last question was a tough one. This boy just did something so bad and violent and unjust, but I couldn’t assure my teary-eyed students that he was going to Hell. Regardless of what he’d done, he’s still alive and has the opportunity to meet Jesus, ask for forgiveness, and be saved.  

The Lord longs for a loving relationship with every human He’s created.  

Regardless of your social class, God created you, loves you, and wants to know you.  

Regardless of your race, God created you, loves you, and wants to know you. 

Regardless of your background, God created you, loves you, and wants to know you. 

Regardless of your worst, most vile decisions, God created you, loves you, and wants to know you.

God is powerful enough to radically transform even the most broken, oppressed, and difficult people. He doesn’t judge others based on what we can see or perceive; He judges the heart. 

Are you as open to loving all people as Jesus is regardless of who they are, what they have, and what they do?