231211 – Proverbs 14

Proverbs 14:23: “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.”

Saying you’ll do something isn’t enough to bring results. You have to act on your intentions to impact change. 

The start of a new year is always a time full of healthy aspirations and positive goal-setting. I love setting goals, so I buy into the hype every year. This year, I decided I was going to get serious about my fitness and work out on a consistent basis. I went on vacation in July, reflected on my year so far, and realized I hadn’t been putting the work into my goal. In an effort to improve my fitness the second half of the year, I ran five out of seven days on vacation. It felt amazing! I gained energy, momentum, and, hopefully, a little bit of stamina for my future jogs! 

Good things take work. Your health, relationships, sports, academics, and faith all require work and follow-through to be prosperous. The effort will be worth it. 

What have you been talking about doing but haven’t followed through with yet? How can you start the hard work of getting it going?