231124 – Proverbs 3

Proverbs 3:24: “If you lie down, you will not be afraid. When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.” 

What’s the trick to a good night’s sleep? Godly wisdom! 

I don’t know about you, but I could use that kind of sweet slumber! I grind my teeth at night ,and it’s become a real issue. Sometimes I wake up with a sore jaw and a husband accusing me of gnashing my teeth at him like a rabid dog. I’ve realized that my teeth grinding is stress related. When I go to bed and my mind is racing with stress and worry, I grind my teeth. However, when I go to sleep with calm contentment, I sleep like a gentle little baby. 

When you live according to godly wisdom, you receive a deep peace that brings sweet sleep every night. Sure, there will still be stresses, set-backs, and struggles in life, but they won’t control you. You will have peace in knowing that you are close to God, loving others well, living with integrity, and glorifying Christ in all you do. 

Are you able to sleep peacefully knowing you are living a wise and godly life?