231011 – Brag On Others. Keep Quiet About Yourselve

READ: Deuteronomy 31:1-8

The best leaders know how to brag. No, I am not talking about bragging on themselves. They like to brag on others. A good leader knows how to compliment someone well, ensuring they feel valued and heard. In Deuteronomy 31:1-8, Moses brags on Joshua in front of a crowd. Moses could have rambled off an impressive list of his own accomplishments, but he didn’t. He chose to use his influence to shine a light on his young apprentice. Moses strived to see people the way God did— full of potential and value.

Encouragement can act like a spark that ignites someone’s full potential. Joshua ultimately went on to be the leader of Israel during a pivotal moment in history. I’m sure the young nation remembered the time when Moses spoke so highly of Joshua. It was a ringing endorsement. The approval of Moses led to a sense of confidence in Joshua. This is why it’s so pivotal to publicly encourage people.

Leadership is all about being a good steward of your influence. So many people choose to use their influence to build their own brands, but good leaders use it to build others up. Intentionally encourage someone every single day, both publicly and privately. This will help others feel empowered, encouraged, and energized. Good leaders brag on others and keep quiet about themselves.