230921 – Seeking Safety

READ: Psalm 23

Everyone was dressed in their Sunday best while silently sitting in the pews. Occasionally, someone would shift their weight, and it would make the long hardwood benches crack and creak. A pastor in a black suit cleared his throat and said, “The Lord is my shepherd, He makes me lie down in green pastures.” He recited Psalm 23 while standing behind a wobbly wooden podium. Eyes glued to the floor, I was seated in the first row with tears rolling down my cheeks. This excerpt of Scripture was read during my father’s funeral.

Psalm 23 is probably the most popular funeral passage in the whole Bible. Why? At first glance, it’s about a shepherd frolicking with some fuzzy sheep. That feels a little farfetched for a funeral, doesn’t it? However, as you dig deeper, you’ll see this chapter offers life-altering comfort during challenging times. This metaphorical language represents our relationship with God. We are the sheep, and He’s a protective caregiver. Shepherds lead their flock to the safest places for the night. Shepherds fight off predators with their staff. Shepherds go to great lengths to save their sheep in times of danger. This means that our shepherd does the same for us— He protects us and provides for us.

In the first verse, David discusses how our shepherd leads us to green pastures. What does that look like in your mind? When I imagine this illustration, I envision rolling green hills for as far as the eye can see. Think of the default Microsoft wallpaper. However, this is not what the author was referencing. He penned these words from ancient Palestine, where sprawling green pastures didn’t really exist. They lived in a land of sand— with only little pops of pasture. Shepherds would spend days hunting for petite patches of grass to provide their sheep a safe place to eat and rest.

God is doing the same with you. He will put in the work to help you find comfort. God will lead you through the desert to find an oasis. If you’re in a desert season of life, God will help you find what you need. Why? Because He’s a good shepherd. He will walk with you through the drought to facilitate you finding rest and rejuvenation.

Continue to walk with God. He’s taking you someplace safe.