230424 – Saved By The Fish | TBS Devotions

“Then they took Jonah and threw him overboard, and the raging sea grew calm. At this the men greatly feared the Lord, and they offered a sacrifice to the Lord and made vows to him. Now the Lord provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.”

~ Jonah 1:15-17


When we think about Jonah, our first thought is typically that Jonah was thrown overboard and, unfortunately, swallowed by a giant fish. However, what if this fish wasn’t an unfortunate coincidence but rather a type of saving? In verse 17, Scripture says that God provided the fish for Jonah. What a weird provision! Jonah was miles from land in the middle of a storm, and as he’s being thrown off his boat, he realizes he has no chance of survival. So what does God do? God provides a fish. Certainly, the fish teaches Jonah a lesson about running from God, but more than anything, the fish saves Jonah from drowning. The fish protects Jonah from the waves, provides safety in the waters, and brings him back to shore. What about your life? What things are set up in your life to protect you? Often times in life, we begin to despise the things that keep us safe, but the challenge for you today is to embrace the protection that God has given you. Things like God’s commandments and your parent’s guidelines serve as protection in this life. Even though these might not be viewed as “exciting” or “cool,” please know these might be the very things that protect you and your faith in Jesus!


Father God, today I choose to embrace the protections that you have placed in my life. When I get frustrated by the rules that are set before me, may I remember the story of Jonah and how often the thing that seems like a frustration can be the very thing that protects me. God, I choose to walk with you today. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.