230307 – Having Serenity, Courage and Wisdom 拥有平静,勇气和智慧

This is a prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” This was written around 1932-33 and it is still applicable to us today. The key is having the wisdom to know the difference. Wisdom is applied knowledge.

Wisdom ( Strong’s Greek Concordance 4678: Sophia) is “the ability to judge correctly and to follow the best course of action, based on knowledge and understanding.” (https://www.preceptaustin.org/pdf/61728/)

What is one thing that you can change? For example, if you are facing challenges at home with your child/children, then one of the parents should be able to stop working and spend time with the child or children. You can apply the Christian values according to this priority which state that God is first, family is second and career comes third. This is especially true when the child has been left alone without much guidance from the parents who are busy working. It is better to live on one income, forgo your career and spend quality time with your children until they have grown up. One of you will need to avail yourself to them so that they will have a godly and positive voice in their lives when they are experiencing overwhelming influences from the world. You can spend time to read up or attend parenting courses on raising your children or teenagers. You can spend time to talk to them and educate them about sex, sexuality and many other topics as they grow into pre-teens. The bible tells us to bring up our children in the ways of the Lord so that they will not depart from Him when they are grown up. It is within our ability to make changes despite the pain of dying to our flesh and the struggle of our identity. It will take some time to turn things around at home with the children especially if they are already in their teenage years, but it will be worth it. They need to know that you are serious and are willing to love them with their love languages. This will bring about peace, love and joy in the home. The people in the world or even Christians who hold onto worldly values might advise you differently. That is earthly, sensual and even demonic.

It takes courage to change the current lifestyle and apply the biblical truth. The home front needs to be well managed before we can tackle the issues that we are facing in the corporate or business world. Money and status are not everything.

Sermon Series: Earthly or Heavenly Wisdom



智慧(Strong 4678:Sophia)是一种基于知识和理解的正确判断和遵循最佳行动方案的能力。


