1213 – The Mind Of The Spirit | TBS Devotions

“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. “

~Romans 8:27 NIV

Have you ever felt too weak to pray or too overwhelmed by the list of prayer request?  The Bible says, the Spirit helps us in our weakness.  In every season of your life you will be led to pray in a certain way.  You don’t need to pretend or copy someone else.  What you need to do is to be fervent in prayer and allow the Spirit of God to flow within you, giving you direction and guiding you in how you ought to pray.  It’s a wonderful experience.

When you pray, don’t be afraid to open up your heart to the Spirit of God. Allow him to have full access to your inner being because the Spirit has the power to search the deep part of your heart and give you some revelation. The Spirit is working alongside with God in order to fulfill the will of God in our life. Therefore, it is important for you and me to walk in the Spirit and be One Spirit with God and with our fellow believers.

The Bible also says that the Lord is Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (freedom) 2 Corinthians 3:17.  We can be set free from whatever is it in our life that prevent us from moving forward in our relationship with God. We can be set free from anything that is like a stronghold in us. Some people are introvert and have a really hard time to socialize. The Spirit can set them free. Some people are hurt, disappointed, some feel lonely or depressed. Many are addicted to video games or sinful habits. The Spirit can set them free! 

Jesus had already paid the price for our sin on the cross and the Bible says whom the Son sets free is free indeed! (John 8:36) Today is the day to claim your freedom in Christ! Take some time to recognize your true condition. Ask God to show you areas where you need to repent. God is faithful and true to forgive your sin. He is the God of a second chance. A God for mercy and grace.


Lord Jesus, I rejoice this morning because there is Freedom in knowing you and following you! Thank you for your promises! I can live with confidence that your Spirit living in me is able to transform me from the inside out. Cleanse me from sinful thoughts and deeds. Help me understand the mind of the Spirit and use me Lord to advance your Kingdom!