0609 – Jesus Is Our Advocate 耶稣是我们的中保

1 John 2:1-2 (NKJV) My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world.Picture a courtroom where God is the judge and the prosecutor is the devil, who is constantly bringing charges against us because of the weakness of our flesh, but praise be to God that He has engaged the best lawyer to defend us when the devil accuses us day and night. Jesus is our advocate in heaven!

God has made a twofold provision to restore sinning Christians by appointing Jesus as our advocate to plead our case, and He is most certainly able to secure our pardon. Second, God has provided Jesus as the propitiation for our sins so that those who call upon His name will be saved.

An advocate is someone who is summoned to one’s aid, someone who pleads another’s cause before a judge. Christ in His exaltation at God’s right hand, is pleading with God the Father for the pardon of our sins, so we can take comfort that we have the best advocate, or legal counsel in heaven whenever the devil attempts to bring something against us before God. All Jesus needs to do is to show His nail-pierced hands and side whenever the devil demands that we get what we deserve for the wrongs we did. Jesus will also remind the Father that it has been forgiven and forgotten, so the devil has no case against us. Therefore, we need to conclude that nobody is able to bring a cause against us if it is God who has justified us.

Romans 8:31 (NKJV) What shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

James 5:15b (NKJV) And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.

Scripture assures us that we will be forgiven if we have sinned, and God will forgive us our sins and remember our lawless deeds no more. Therefore, we need to remind ourselves that Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant established by His blood. We have the best advocate in heaven, and God is our covenant partner who bound Himself through the blood of the new covenant to see us through any crisis that we may face.

Sermon Series: Job & I (Part 2)


约翰一书 2: 1-2 我小子们哪,我将这些话写给你们,是要叫你们不犯罪。若有人犯罪,在父那里我们有一位中保,就是那义者耶稣基督。他为我们的罪作了挽回祭,不是单为我们的罪,也是为普天下人的罪。

想象一个法庭,上帝是法官,控方律师是魔鬼,牠因着我们肉体上的软弱而不断地指控我们,但感谢赞美上帝, 当魔鬼昼夜控告我们时,上帝请了最好的律师为我们辩护。耶稣是我们在天上的中保/辩护律师!

上帝做了双重安排来挽回过犯中的基督徒,祂设立耶稣作我们的中保,替我们的案子辩护祈求,而祂也必定能使我们获得赦免。其次,神设立耶稣为我们的罪作了挽回祭, 好叫那求告主名的都能得救。

中保 或 辩护律师 是被召唤来援助他人的人,他要在审判官面前为他人辩护。基督被高举在神的右边,正在祈求父神赦免我们的罪愆,因此, 每当魔鬼企图在神面前控告我们什么,我们尽可以放心,我们在天上拥有最好的中保或 辩护律师。每当魔鬼指控我们要为自己的过犯承担所应得的惩罚, 耶稣只需展示祂带有钉痕的双手和 肋旁。耶稣也会提醒天父,这一切都已蒙赦免和涂抹,所以魔鬼没有可控告我们的理由。因此我们要断定,神既称我们为义,就没有谁能定我们的罪。

罗马书 8:31 既是这样,还有甚么说的呢? 神若帮助我们,谁能敌挡我们呢?

雅各书 5:15b 他若犯了罪,也必蒙赦免。

圣经向我们保证,我们若犯了罪,必蒙赦免, 神将赦免我们的罪,不再纪念我们的过犯。因此,我们要提醒自己,主耶稣藉着祂的宝血被立作新约的中保。我们在天上拥有最好的辩护律师,神是我们的盟约伙伴,祂藉着立新约的宝血,使自己受盟约的约束,好帮助我们渡过可能面临的任何危机。

讲章系列:约伯与我 (第二部分)