0116 – Who Cares Anyway? | TBS Devotions

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you”  – Ephesians 4:32 

Kindness involves loving everyone, not just the ones who has been kind to us. Not just to those who are easy to love. We all have been shown kindness by God and we can emulate this same kindness by making a conscious decision to be kind. 

We can choose to walk past people and behave cold like Uncle Scrooge in Christmas Carol, authored by Charles Dickens -brushing people off with hard sulken faces. Or we could take a little effort to give a little smile to the people we cross path with. We could, perhaps give a little of our time; our money; our word of love and encouragement; and be wowed by how far this little gesture of kindness can stretch.

Some might challenge this suggestion and say, “Why bother? Who cares anyway? We all have enough things to deal with already, why should we care how other people react to kindness; they don’t even care about mine anyway, so why should i be bothered about trying to be nice?”. 

This year through the pandemic, you might have seen the worst side of people, or you might have seen the best in humanity. Sometimes, it can be really quite hard to be nice or to be kind. But when we point our focus and look to Jesus, we are immediately reminded by Apostle Paul to “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32). 

Let us take the first step to put a little smile on our face; to care and to be the witness of the love of God, by being kind and showing care to the people whom God placed around us. Let us take the Holy Spiritual guidance to make a difference in our community, to live as Children of Light.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I lean on you and ask of you to help me be Your ambassador of Love and Kindness, especially to the people around me. Help me Lord as I choose to obey & live in Your ways. In Christ Name I pray, Amen.