0126 – Trust in the Living God 相信永生的上帝

1 Timothy 6:17 (NKJV) Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in UNCERTAIN RICHES BUT in the LIVING GOD, who gives us RICHLY all things to enjoy. (emphasis added)Sometimes, it is almost unthinkable for some people to believe that God desires for us to ENJOY LIFE with Him. Therefore, many Christians have left the Lord in pursuit of money in order to be able to enjoy life with the money that they have earned. The biblical truth IS….God has no issue with us enjoying life!! In fact, God has no issue with us having nice houses, material goods and doing well in our work or businesses.

Do you have the right perspective on God? Do you know that He gives us richly all things to enjoy? Some of us view God more as a judge than a loving Heavenly Father and the Creator who created everything for us to enjoy.

Our God who provides :
-He handed the Garden of Eden to Adam and Eve to manage and enjoy. (Genesis 2:15)
-God created an abundance of living creatures on earth and in the sea. (Genesis 1:20)
-His name is El Shaddai which means Almighty, Great and God of abundance (many breasted one). (Genesis 17:1)
-He is known as Jehovah Jireh, Our Provider. (Genesis 22:14)
-He is the God who gives power to gain wealth to fulfill His covenant with His people. (Deuteronomy 8:18)
-He loves His children including the prodigal son and told the older brother that he had the right to enjoy everything that belonged to the Father. (Luke 15:31)
-He is the God of the how much more who gives good and perfect gifts to His children. (Matthew 7:11, James 1:17)
-God gave us His ONLY Son Jesus Christ so that we are saved, enjoy abundant and also eternal life. (John 3:16, John 10:10)
-God will freely give us all things that we need in life. (Romans 8:32)
-God will supply all our needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4: 19)
The list goes on……….

If this is the picture that we have about God, then we will be able to TRUST in Him to provide for us, to help us in our businesses, to give us creative ideas, to have our career development in mind, and to journey with us in the difficult moments of our lives.

Sermon Series – Balancing Godliness and Riches (Part 2)






-祂将伊甸园交给亚当和夏娃管理和享用。 (创世记2:15)
-上帝创造了陆地上和海洋中丰富的生物。 (创世记1:20)
-他的名字叫El Shaddai,意为全能,伟大和丰盛的上帝(全能者)。 (创世记17:1)
-祂被称为耶和华以勒,我们的供应者。 (创世记22:14)
-祂是赐与得货财之能力的上帝,以成就与祂子民的约。 (申命记8:18)
-神将祂的独生子耶稣基督赐给我们,使我们得救,享有丰盛且永恒的生命。 (约翰福音3:16,约翰福音10:10)
-神将通过祂在基督耶稣里荣耀的丰盛来供应我们的一切所需。 (腓立比书4:19)


讲章系列: 平衡敬虔与富足(第二部分)