19 June,2022 (9am)
为你的幸福而努力(第三部分)(Work on Your Well Being(Part 3))
12 June,2022 (9am)
为你的幸福而努力(第二部分)(Work on Your Well Being(Part 2))
29 May,2022 (9am)
为你的幸福而努力(Work on Your Well Being)
22 May,2022 (9am)
互相激励(Spur on One Another)
8 May,2022 (9am)
如何面对生命中的不同挑战?(How to Deal with Different Challenges in Our Lives)
1 May,2022 (9am)
复活主日-凭信心而活(Resurrection Sunday – Live By Faith)
17 April,2022 (9am)
在祷告中与神同工(Partnering God in Prayer)
10 April,2022 (9am)
与全能者的平安同在(Keeping the Peace of God)
3 April,2022 (9am)