17 September,2023 (9am)
圣餐(圣餐礼)(The Holy Communion)
10 September,2023 (9am)
宝血的大能 ( The Power of the Blood )
03 September,2023 (9am)
活在应许之地 (Living in the Promised Land)
27 August,2023 (9am)
亲近上帝 (Drawing near to God)
20 August,2023 (9am)
如何演绎好你的新身份? (How to Do Well in Your New Identity?)
6 August,2023 (9am)
保持你的平安 (第二部分) (Keep the Peace (PART 2) )
30 July,2023 (9am)
保持你的平安 (Keep the peace)
23 July,2023 (9am)
信徒的权柄 (Believers’ Authority)
16 July,2023 (9am)
分心的事情 (Distractions)
9 July,2023 (9am)