27 September, 2020 (9am)
平衡敬虔和富足(第二部分)(Balancing Godliness and Riches(Part 2))
20 September, 2020 (9am)
神要医治所有人(God Wants to Heal Everyone)
13 September, 2020 (9am)
平衡敬虔和富足(Balancing Godliness and Riches)
6 September, 2020 (9am)
Balancing Godliness and Riches
6 September, 2020 (11am)
教会在末世期 (Church in the End Times)
30 August, 2020 (9am)
你年轻并富有吗?(Are You Young and Rich? )
23 August, 2020 (9am)
谁在牧养你?(Who Is Shepherding You? )
16 August, 2020 (9am)
从风浪的海上走来的耶稣 (Jesus Walks on the Raging Sea)
9 August, 2020 (9am)
你在信心的殿中!(第四部分)(You Are in the Hall of Faith! (Part 4))
2 August, 2020 (9am)