4 July,2021 (9am)
延伸恩典(Extending Grace)
27 June,2021 (9am)
我们有来自上帝那坚定不移的帮助和支持(We Have an Unwavering Help and Support from the Lord)
20 June,2021 (9am)
从绝望到新的任务(From Despair to a New Assignment)
13 June,2021 (9am)
哎哟!很伤人啊!(第二部分) 让我们来祷告 (Ouch! It Hurts! Let Us Pray (Part 2)
6 June,2021 (9am)
哎哟!很伤人啊!(Ouch! It Hurts!)
30 May,2021 (9am)
救命啊!我的祷告没有得到回应!(Help! My Prayers Are Not Answered! )
23 May,2021 (9am)
安静和平的生活(A Quiet and Peaceable Life)
16 May,2021(9am)
对你的那座山说话(Speak to Your Mountain)
9 May,2021(9am)
我已经遮蔽了你(I Have You Covered)
2 May,2021(9am)