24 April,2022 (9am)
复活主日-凭信心而活(Resurrection Sunday – Live By Faith)
17 April,2022 (9am)
在祷告中与神同工(Partnering God in Prayer)
10 April,2022 (9am)
与全能者的平安同在(Keeping the Peace of God)
3 April,2022 (9am)
立志于心,行事于世(Being in a Doing World)
27 March,2022 (9am)
牧师,别谈钱(Don’t Talk About Money, Pastor(Part2))
20 March,2022 (9am)
兴起和建造(第五部分)(Arise and Build(Part5))
6 March,2022 (9am)
神对职场生活的呼召(God’s Calling to the Working Life!)
27 February,2022 (9am)
兴起和建造(第四部分)(Arise and Build(Part4))
20 February,2022 (9am)
兴起和建造(第三部分)(Arise and Build(Part3))
13 February,2022 (9am)