20 February,2022 (9am)
兴起和建造(第三部分)(Arise and Build(Part3))
13 February,2022 (9am)
兴起和建造(第一部分)(Arise and Build(Part1))
30 January,2022 (9am)
来到施恩宝座前(Go to the Throne of Grace)
23 January,2022 (9am)
荣美的基督,世人的拯救(Beauty Will Save The World)
16 January,2022 (9am)
9 January,2022 (9am)
在2022年里活出新的身份(Living Out the New Identity in 2022)
2 January,2022 (9am)
圣诞礼物的祝福(Blessed by the Christmas Present)
26 December,2021 (9am)
祂来给你一个新身份(第二部分)(He Came to Give You a New Identity(Part2))
19 December,2021 (9am)
祂来给你一个新身份(第一部分)(He Came to Give You a New Identity(Part1))
12 December,2021 (9am)