We have various ministries at ICS.
Additionally, we have multiple outreach opportunities for you to get involved in
for His purpose and calling. While you are here, you would have many opportunities to love our local friends, too!

Communication is crucial for the church to spread its message, serve its community, and grow its congregation. The church can creatively communicate across all platforms through visual design, photography, and copywriting.

The Devotionals team writers extract, summarise, and write brief and encouraging messages from the Sunday sermons.

Hospitality ministry team members consider it a privilege to serve as ushers or greeters. We are happy to be the first contact point for visitors in ICS. We serve faithfully every Sunday, rostered and rotating for different roles such as welcoming, passport checking, ushering, collecting the offering bags, and distributing Holy Communion elements.

Kids Church Sunday School Ministry aims to create a fun and safe environment to teach children ages 2 to 9 the Word of God. Sunday School activities coincide with our Sunday services.

The Media Team uses various equipment and technology to aid and facilitate Sunday corporate worship. The team operates the sound system, projects words, lyrics, and other graphics on screens, and uses video cameras for the overflow room and the church website.

The praise and worship team engages people in corporate worship, primarily through music, to encounter God, worship in spirit and truth, and receive from His Spirit and His Word. We have a variety of vocalist and instrument roles that form the teams serving every week.

The Mission Ministry at ICS is dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission by evaluating and providing financial support to evangelical ministries worldwide. We ensure that these ministries are accountable for their actions and assess the impact of their work. Additionally, the ministry promotes awareness by encouraging the congregation to participate in annual mission trips in response to Christ’s call.

ICS has supported various charitable initiatives throughout Shanghai and beyond. Over the years, our church community has donated over RMB 20 million to support underprivileged groups in Shanghai. All glory to God!

Translation Team translates sermons, daily devotionals, seminars, and other materials into Chinese for our church community. Our first Sunday services are conducted with consecutive interpreting, and our seminars with simultaneous interpreting. Currently, we are providing Chinese subs for our online church services.

The vision of the Women of Faith Ministry is to see our women built up by the Word of God so that they are full of faith and the Holy Spirit. With that, they will be confident in their ability to face any kind of challenge in life, whether they reside in Shanghai or begin a new life overseas. We also desire to see them become proactive in serving God and reaching out to the community.