March,16 日 @ 09:00 - May,18 日 @ 12:30

Starting on 16 March, we will change the location of our ADULT Sunday Service due to the availability of hotel ballrooms and event arrangements.
从 3 月 16 日起,由于酒店宴会厅的可用性和活动安排的原因,我们将更改主日礼拜的地点。
Please review the details of the new arrangement below:
Grand Millennium Shanghai ( no. 2588, Yan’an West Road, Changning District, Shanghai)
上海千禧海鸥大酒店 (上海市长宁区延安西路2588号)
Adult Service 成人礼拜:
Garden Pavilion | 花月亭
Kids Church 儿童教会:
2F Prosperity Hall | 2楼海纳厅
Trailblazers Youth 开拓者青年团契:
3F Conference 1-5 | 三楼会议室1-2
Don’t run to the wrong place ya! 不要跑错了地方哦!