28 May,2023 (9am)
Cell Group Campaign Session – 1
21 May,2023 (11am)
一个鼓励,一个警告,和我们的责任 (An Encouragement, a Warning, and our Responsibility)
14 May,2023 (9am)
An Encouragement, a Warning, and our Responsibility
14 May,2023 (11am)
神眼中的瞳人 (The Apple of God’s Eye)
7 May,2023 (9am)
The Apple of God’s Eye
7 May,2023 (11am)
为现今的机会而被拣选 (Chosen for a Time such as This)
30 April,2023 (9am)
Chosen for a Time such as This
30 April,2023 (11am)
别让种子被偷走!(第三部分) (Don’t Let It Be Stolen (Part 3))
23 April,2023 (9am)
Don’t Let It Be Stolen (Part 3)
23 April,2023 (11am)