26 May,2024 (11am)
我们为什么在教会里服侍?( Why do we serve in church? )
19 May,2024 (9am)
Why do we serve in church?
19 May,2024 (11am)
七十个七次的意义 (What Is Seventy Times Seven Times?)
12 May,2024 (9am)
What Is Seventy Times Seven Times?
12 May,2024 (11am)
神所赐的全副军装!(The Armour of God!)
05 May,2024 (9am)
The Armour of God!
05 May,2024 (11am)
Good News Celebration
28 April,2024(9am)
The Time Is Now!
21 April,2024 (11am)
把握时机!(The Time Is Now!)
21 April,2024 (9am)