2 那说方言的原不是对人说,乃是对神说,因为没有人听出来,然而他在心灵里却是讲说各样的奥秘。4说方言的是造就自己,做先知讲道的乃是造就教会。14我若用方言祷告,是我的灵祷告,但我的悟性没有果效。 15这却怎么样呢?我要用灵祷告;也要用悟性祷告;我要用灵歌唱,也要用悟性歌唱。….18 我感谢 神,我说方言比你们众人还多;
哥林多前书 14: 2,4,14-15,18
2.For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries. 4.He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church…..14.For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. 15 What is the conclusion then?I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding. ….18 I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all.
1 Cor 14: 2,4,14-15,18
Q & A:
- 简要解释灵魂体的不同。跟神的话语以及圣灵在信徒生命中所做的工联系起来。(帖前 5:23;希伯来书 4:21;哥林多前书 2:14;雅各书 2:26)
Explain briefly the difference between the spirit, soul, and body. Relate it to the work of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer (1 Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 4:12; 1 Corinthians 2:14; James 2:26)
2. 描述方言祷告在每日与神的同行中的益处。(哥林多前书 14:4; 以弗所书 3:16;哥林多前书 14:18)
Describe the advantages of praying in tongues concerning the daily walk with God. (1 Corinthians 14:4; Ephesians 3:16; 1 Corinthians 14:18)
3. 在灵里祷告和在悟性中祷告有什么益处?解释如何按神的旨意祷告。(哥林多前书 14:2,15; 哥林多前书14:14)
What are the benefits of praying in the spirit and praying in the understanding? Explain how to pray in line with the will of God. (1 Corinthians 14:2,15; 1 Corinthians 14:14)
4. 分享圣灵通过祷告引导你的实际案例。描述这样的祷告在你或别人的生命中所结的果子。(约翰福音 7:38-39)
Share some practical examples when the Holy Spirit guided you through prayer. Mention the fruit of such a prayer in your life or in the lives of others. (John 7:38-39)