“Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”
– Matthew 22:37-39
The greatest commandment is a commandment of love. Because God is love, He wants us to love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind. The Bible also tells us that we love, because He first loved us.
Our heart, our soul and our mind can easily fall in love with this World. Just look around you. Cars everywhere, the sports ones are young people’s favorite. Shopping malls filled with hundreds of shops and restaurants, airplanes and a list of countries to visit…
But God ‘s command is to love Him. He wants your heart, your mind and your soul, because if you lose it or if you offer it to the system of this world, it will break and harden your heart. It will corrupt your mind. The salvation of your soul is found in no one else but Jesus, the son of the Living God.
Our God is faithful to His Word. He will never fail you. He is a perfect God. Trust Him with your life. Trust Hi with your heart, with your mind and with you soul.
His Spirit will empower you and fill you with his divine life so you can love and serve him. God can fill your mind with so many great ideas that you won’t worry anymore about tomorrow because He has your future in His Hand.
Trials may come, but “God is the strength of your heart “.
Prayer: Lord God, thank you for blessing me with your love. I welcome your presence in everything that I do and everywhere that I go. Holy Spirit, direct my path and help me live a life that glorifies God.