33 who THROUGH FAITH subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions.
Heb 11:33
Q & A:
- Discuss the parallel / resemblance between our lives and the Israelites with regards to being slaves in Egypt and given the Promised land. What inheritance belongs to you as a child of God and what does God’s promise of abundant life mean to you? (Heb 11:33; Josh 14:8-14; Exo 3:8; Eph 1:3, 18; 3 John 2)
- Discuss if you are still a slave to the habitual sins in your life after accepting Jesus as your saviour, just as the Israelites were freed and progressing to enter the promised land, yet they complained and preferred to be slaves back in Egypt. Do you truly love and follow God wholeheartedly like Caleb or are you a Christian but still struggling to be dominated by the worldly desires in your heart? (Rom 8:2; Exo 14:11-12; Luke 10:27; Num 14:24)
- Discuss how you can deal with the flesh daily so it will not hinder you from enjoying the abundant life, as God instructed the Israelites to completely drive out all the inhabitants of the land or else they would become irritants and troubles to them. When you reap a strained or broken relationship, or a failed business, have you considered whether you are sowing into the flesh or walking in the Spirit? (Num 33:54; Gal 6:7-8)